Chapter 20: Kill the Hivemind

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3rd Person POV

With Akame

I can't run straight toward him... Akame thought, eyes narrowing as she faced Bols and his bodyguard. But I can— A bolt of pain lanced down her side, and she winced, barely resisting the urge to glance in James's direction as a thunderous crash filled the air. Screw it. Taking a step forward, Akame blurred, afterimages trailing behind her as she raced in a circle around Bols and Wall.

She's searching for a window while staying in constant motion, Bols thought. Very well... I'll give her what she wants! Bringing his flamethrower to bear, he fired, and Akame swerved, ducking the attack.

There it is! Akame thought and raced forward, sliding between Wall's legs as Kurome's puppet attempted to stop her. Her blade flashed, and the katana connected, sparking off a metal brace hidden in Bols's palm. Armor on his hands? she wondered, eyes widening in surprise. Did he plan to face Murasame?

Bols raised his flamethrower, firing point blank, and Akame bent backward at a near inhuman angle, dodging the attack.

I can't believe her reflexes! Bols thought, watching as Akame flipped away.

Just before she could land, Akame's vision overlapped with James's, and she stumbled, pain lancing across her shoulders as Slattern's 'claws' slashed across her shoulder blades. Just then, Wall's foot slammed into her ribs, throwing her back.

Recovering midair, Akame landed on her feet, her breathing ragged as she stood up. I need to end this soon, she thought. If James takes another hit like that... we're done for.

"Akame," Bols said, breaking her out of her thoughts. "May I ask you something?"

Akame remained silent but gave an almost imperceptible nod.

"Why did you join the Revolutionary Army?" Bols asked. "It would have been so nice to have you with us."

Akame remained silent for a long moment, her hair casting a dark shadow over her features. "I chose Night Raid... because my heart told me it was the right thing to do," she replied finally. She looked up, and Bols was shocked to see one of her eyes glowing gold. "I simply decided to follow the path in which I believe."

Bols nodded. "I completely understand. I do. And I'm sorry... I'm afraid it's still my job to eradicate you, regardless of your beliefs!" He raised his flamethrower, the turbine on his back whirring to life.

Akame raised her weapon, only for Leone to land beside her, surprising the raven-haired assassin. "Oh, I gotta get in on this! That'll make it a two-on-two!"

"Leone!" Akame said, staring at what remained of her arm in shock. "You—"

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about me," Leone replied carelessly, her eyes focused on Bols. "Let's just concentrate on the mission for now."

Akame nodded. "Right." She raised her weapon, the blade shining eerily as it caught the light. "Be careful though. They're strong."

"Whatever." Leone flexed her remaining hand, a predatory grin playing across her lips. "Let's waste this guy so we can get Kurome and help James out!"

With Najenda

Considering I'm about half as strong as I was before I got these wounds from Esdeath... Najenda thought, dodging a strike aimed at her head. I'm faster than I expected.

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