Ronobir... or Rono?

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Raagini (pov)

"Woah! Will you look at that!" the handsome guy whistles, with an intense stare. His look and his words should make me uncomfortable, but they just kinda make me feel good. I feel... I feel like I am noticeable. I have always been the girl in the background, invisible to people around me, other than my family ofcourse. I cannot meet his eyes, his stare now.

"Never seen you before... how could I have ignored such beauty?" he rubs his chin as an action of deep thought. I feel my cheeks heat up from his compliments. Should I tell him that I am new here? "umm—actually.." I proceed to clarify but he cuts me off "I don't see any ID! So you must be a Newbie!" he announces with a smirk on his face.... Uh oh that smirk doesn't seem to be a good sign....

"Boys! We have our first prey of this year!!" he smirks while his friends laugh like he just cracked some joke of the century. Maybe he is just joking.... Maybe he is just pulling my leg...
"Oh this will be fun!" he rubs his palms together, as I back off a little. What is he upto? Should I tell him about my brother? He must be knowing Raj.. as my brother is quite famous, and has been the vice president of the student board of this college.

 I am in this dilemma, when suddenly a boy stands beside him, and announces "Hey! Girl, bow down your head and greet the President of the student board, your Super Senior!" the boy inches close to me.... what??!! The handsome guy is the President of the Student council??? I mean How? Isn't he supposed to be an ideal student then? You know being a guidance and example for other students? But here he is the one making fun and instigating others!!

"I said Bow your head and Greet Girl!!!" the other boy shouts into my face making me stumble back in fear. Suddenly everything seems blur.... As my eyes fill with unshed tears. No one has ever raised their voice at me.... "Hey! Akash, Chill Bro.. look you made the Princess Cry. Awww" he fake pouts obviously not sympathizing but mocking. I try to control the tears from falling.

He pulls back Akash, who was literally in my face.. and then comes close to me. He keeps leaning into me.. "Ok.. You Don't want to bow your head? No Problem" he shrugs and I exhale in relief. His friends huff at his kindness, I think.

 I was just breathing the sigh of relief when he leans into me and stops his face in the side of mine, soo close that his breath hits my earlobes. "Now, You must Bow Down on your Knees and Greet me.." he whispers but Akash and others hear it and break out in a howl of laughter.

"I would be very much impressed by that... Position" he mumbles  just for my ears. It takes me a second to understand the innuendo.. and when I do, I couldn't stop the gasp. That makes him chuckle.

"Raagini!" I hear Raj's voice from behind.. Finally!!! I back off a little "Raagini,Did you get your sched—Rono?! What Is Going on here?" he comes near us and guess what! He knows Mr. President Guy and called him Rono?? What's that? His real name?

Mr. President aka Rono stands straight as he hears my Brother and smiles wide. He has such a beautiful smile... "Raj! Where the hell were you?? You know this girl? She's a newbie soo, we were just teaching her some manners towards us, the seniors." He snickers with his friends. But as expected by me.. and unexpected by him, my brother does not appreciate the joke.

"Ronobir, This is Raagini, my Princess, my baby sister, you know.. the one I was telling you about?" Raj holds my shoulders as he stands beside me. He is smiling but I know, he is damn serious and this... his hold on my shoulder is a warning to them. I smile as I look at my Big Brother. Then I look at Ronobir, who is staring at Raj's hands on my shoulder, then looks at Raj, now with a serious expression. This is the first time he is not smirking, snickering, or laughing.

"Raj, we were not aware that she is your sister" Akash speaks in a low voice. Suddenly they all are not a bunch of howling boys. Ronobir is still standing there with a blank expression. There is an awkward silence. I realize that, I have my first class now, in a few minutes, I should get going. I don't want to be late for my class and make a bad impression on the first day.

I wiggle my shoulders to get Raj's attention. He looks down at me with a smile. "Raj.. my class is going to begin in few minutes.. I should go" he looks at his watch.. " that's right, but let me just introduce my friends to you, so there will be no misunderstandings in future" I look around and nod.

"Ok, So this motherfu—" I look at him with my wide eyes, at his swearing. Seriously I got this habit from my mother. "Shit! Raags it came out of habit.. No No it was a mistake!" he is just digging his grave now. He knows if I tell this to mom, he is dead meat. I giggle at his panicked face.

"It's ok Raj! You will just have to give your dinner dessert to me" I shrug. He exhales and nods. We both forget our audience, "Raj! Get done with the introductions bro! she has class to attend, and we have our own thing to do." I hear Ronobir's voice. ok he seems to be pissed now.

Raj clears his throat, "So the guy who just tried to be a cool dude and stud, is Ronobir Chatterjee, My Brother from Another Mother! My Best Buddy, also the President of our Student Council. So if you have any issues, and you somehow don't get me, He is your Go to guy" Raj smiles wide.. ignorant of the fact that his best bud, the President just tried to Rag me. I shake my head but I don't want to create rift between them. Raj seems to really trust him, as he just asked me to go to Ronobir, if he is unavailable. That is very Rare, Raj trusting me with someone else.. This has never happened.

Ronobir also looks a bit taken back... and also a bit guilty if I must say. He smiles, a genuine smile this time. "Of course,Raagini, Afterall you are Raj's sister" He introduces other boys as Akash , Rohit, Shyam.. respectively. They all seem to be a bit embarrassed and guilty of their behaviour, but don't utter anything.

"Oh and by the way, I was just talking to the senior girls, and warning them to not rag you. So you are safe baby sis" he smiles proudly, making me chuckle. The Bell rings indicating the start of our first period... indicating the start of my journey here, in this college.

All that has happened till now, is not so bad. I look around myself, at my protector, My brother.. then at those boys who seemed to be trouble, but are now talking to Raj, like they respect him. Then my eyes stop at those brown eyes.... Ronobir, is staring at me, with a different look in his eyes, like he is in deep thought. I look away, and say goodbye to Raj and others. They all wish me luck except him. He is oddly silent. So I turn around and start walking towards my first class. But I still feel his eyes on me. 

Did you find him to be Ronobir or Rono? Tell me your views on this chapter in the Comments. i just love reading them! Also Don't forget to VOTE!  i am writing these chapter, in between my studies for exams. So yeah! :P 

I hope you Enjoy and love this chapter. Please Vote and tell me your views in the comments! See you sOon!! ;) 

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