Just a Hunch!

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Raagini (pov)

It has been 2 weeks, Two weeks of my college life, Two weeks of boring lectures, two weeks of new friendships... and two weeks of me tolerating other people. I huff looking at Ronobir sucking that bitch's face.. I mean Riya. I shake my head at my own hostility. Why am I so irritated? Probably because I have been watching this same scene, during every lunch break, every damn day! It's like the stupid tape got stuck. 

I throw the burger in my hand, back on the plate, Making everyone on the table turn their head towards me, even Ronobir stops his makeout session and turns his head towards me.
"Raags.. are you okay?" Raj asks in a genuine concerned voice.. What? Why did he ask me this?? Oh shit!! Is my irritation visible on my face?? I look at every one and their curious face.. Ronobir also looks concerned whereas Riya on his lap just rolls her eyes. What should I say now?

"Umm what do you mean Raj, what would happen to me?" I fake laugh. He looks at me with a straight face, and then at the half eaten burger on my plate. "Something is definitely off... You just threw your life on the plate" he rubs his chin as if trying to solve a mystery.

I roll my eyes at his overacting "Shut up.. I was just irritated." I blabber, later realizing my mistake. "Irritated? Why?" comes Ronobir's question who slightly pushes Riya off his lap. Shit I should not feel happy looking at him removing her from his lap. I should think about what to answer him.

"Actually, Our Professor has given us  loads of assignments... So I was just irritated at him" I lie, which they believe as they nod their head.. "But you told me you completed them all" says my bestfriend Tannu, the wannabe Harishchandra. Raj and Ronobir look at Tannu and then at me with their eyebrows furrowed.

I lick my lips as they feel dry from all my lies getting caught. "Tannu, I was irritated on your behalf, You still haven't completed it and because of that we cannot go out today as we planned" This is getting out of my hands now.. I am just digging my own grave with these lies. 

"Going out!" all three of them speak together making me chuckle. "When were you going to tell me" the three of them again say in a sync, confusing me. I can understand Raj and Tannu's reaction... But why does Ronobir want to know about my whereabouts. Raj and Tannu turn their head towards Ronobir.. and I raise my eyebrow. He looks at me... then at Raj, He clears his throat, "What? Even I am her friend and I have the right to know! You cannot leave me out like this" he frowns and holds my hand. These overdramatic people.

"Fine! I did not tell you all... Because it was, umm—A Surprise!! Yes, It was supposed to be a surprise." I give myself a pat on my back for handling the lies.

They all seem a bit confused, "AAAA" I scream to distract them, and it works, All of them get up from their seats, worried. "What!! What Happened?" Raj frowns. "We are getting Late." I smile sheepishly as I take my bag in one hand, and hold Tannu's arm in another, as I drag her away, waving goodbye to the boys.

That was a close one, I huff in relief. "Yes it was definitely a close save" I hear Tannu besides me. Wait.. Did I say it out aloud! I stop in my tracks and turn my head towards her. She wiggles her eyebrows. What is up with her?? I narrow my eyes at her. "What? Oh no, You didn't say it out aloud, I just knew it. I saw how irritated you were by Ronobir and Riya's makeout session" she shrugs with an evil smile. 

Oh my God!! She noticed!! "What?? No! Me and irritated by them sucking each other's face Pfftt" I roll my eyes, pretending ignorance. "Don't lie Raag, I saw you glowering at them" she says. Shit! was I that ignorant of my surroundings. I don't know what to say now...

"You have a crush on Ronobir Chatterjee!!" she giggles as she hits me on my shoulder. What!!! Is that what it is!!! A Crush? Is that why I always smile, when he smiles.. even if it's not to me... Is that why I look for him whenever my Brother visits me between classes... Is that why.. I get irritated and angry when he is with other girls?? Is that what having a crush on Ronobir Chatterjee feels like???

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