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Ronobir (pov)

Well Damn... this was an unexpected twist.. I was having so much fun with that cute pretty newbie... until I got to know who she is.. 'Raagini', that name echoes a melody, just like her. But another fact beats the drum, alerting me.. 'Raj's Sister', waking me from my day dream. Well I teased her for daydreaming and sleep walking, but here I am doing the same. I shake my head as I remember that scene. Her being lost in her own thoughts and us teasing her. Only if she wasn't his sister.... I could have had more fun. It has been so long.. since my interest has peaked. This college has become so boring really, same old teachers, same old faces, everyone pretending. Ughh the ass licking some motherfuckers do, including the professors, just because my Dad is one of Board members of our college's management, and plays an important role financially.

As I walk through these corridors, I see some girls waving and smiling flirtatiously at me, some familiar faces, looking heartbroken, just because I refused to be in a relationship with them. Huhh! Have you ever seen a guitarist playing only one string for the rest of his life?? No right? And even if he does, that tune or song will surely be a flop one. A great guitarist plays with all the strings, creating new tunes, new musings and that becomes a Hit! I am like that Rockstar who only dreams to live a hit life.

I see some boys admiring me.. pfftt like that would get them some sex! Half of them want to life my life... But oops not everyone can live this shitty, shiny life. Then I see that gang.. who apparently see themselves as my rivals, or competition or whatever... their leader is the biggest asshole of this campus, of course after me, 'Shekhar'. You see half of the people here, look at my achievements as a return of favour from the college to my Father. My hard work is nil and void in their eyes. I cannot do anything about that now can I? 

Anyways maybe one of the reason for his hatred is because his girlfriend 'Riya' can't get enough of me. Yeah I may have slept with her just for my fun, but I didn't know then, that they were in a relationship. I just got to know when I saw him giving me death glare the very  next day.

Speak of the devil.. Riya jumps in front of me out of nowhere with her barbie gang. "Ronoooo!!!! It is the first day of our semester!! We are finally Super seniors!! Are you excited!?? Oh my god!! I cannot wait to be the Queen Bee of this campus!" she giggles, and her gang of minions giggle along.

"Rita? Is it?" I pretend to not know her name, which obviously doesn't sit well with her, Well she shouldn't have called me Rono. "Riya" she frowns. "Ronobir" I stress on my name, trying to get it inside her small brain. She stares at me confused.. then realizes what I was trying to insinuate. "Ronobir ofcourse I know that!!" she tries to cover up, "And I know more than that too" she smirks to her friends who obviously giggle. Ughh I don't have enough energy to deal with them now.

"Rono!" I hear Raj's voice from behind. Hah!! What a timing! I turn around with a smile. He walks towards us. "Oh Hey Riya, didn't see you there." He smiles. Oh shit! I try to control my laughter. Riya fakes a smile, "Raj, Good to see you! I was just telling Ronobir about how much fun we all are gonna have, being the super senior and all" she talks animatedly as Raj and I give each other a look. His look says 'sorry I was late, you had to suffer her' and mine saying 'thank you for coming, and saving me from her stupid talks'.

"Ronobir is already the King of this Campus, being the President of student board and all.. You both are ruling this college. Now it is high time You get a Queen Bee! What do you say Ronobir!??" she flips her hair. Umm No.

"Oh But I thought you already were the Queen Bee" Raj says and she gets excited. Poor girl doesn't know it yet. Time to burst her bubble. "Yeah.. didn't you know your nickname in this campus, They all call you Queen B, that is Queen Bitch" I give her a look of sympathy as Raj bursts out laughing.

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