Books or Trouble?

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Raagini (pov)

Food or Books? I say Both! Give me my favorite, mom's handmade food and some great Books! What a combo. I have always spent my lunch time at school like this, in the silent library. Tannu asked me to join her in our college cafeteria, I have tried to enjoy my food in the cafeteria for the past few days... but as a wise man said, old habits dies hard. So I tell her about my awesome plan to go to the library. But she gives me a disgusted look and waves bye as she skips to the cafeteria. I shake my head with a smile as I make my way towards the library.

As I said.. It has been few days since I joined this college, found a best friend in Tannu. My brother visits me, during breaks. Life is Good....If I leave out the part where Ronobir, My brother's friend ignores me and behaves as If I am invisible to him, after that first day incident. His ignorance shouldn't effect me.... But it does when he accompanies my brother in his visits and talks to everyone but me. I try to shake away his thoughts that are invading my mind. Afterall he is the biggest reason for me to avoid the cafeteria. Him and his obnoxious group. 

Holy!! This library is sooo hugee!! I can live here for the rest of my life. I stare with my mouth wide open, like a kid lost in Disney land. This is heaven... I walk straight towards the fiction section. Hmm this is gonna be difficult. I am too involved in the books to realize the pin drop silence in the library. Jane Austen knows how to grasp my full attention.

 A sound, breaks my trance. I look up from my book, only to see an empty library. Noone is here, not even the librarian. Hmm, I guess they all went for lunch. But then I heard a sound?? Where did that come from?? I hear another... is that the sound of a book falling off?? I get up from my seat and follow the sound like that dumb girl in every horror story who follows the sound and gets killed by the ghost. Ughh relax Raagini.. I tell myself and assure myself that someone must have dropped the book, or might have kept it carelessly.

What I see is worse than any ghost.... Ronobir Chatterjee Kissing a girl... I cannot see her face.. as she is pinned to the shelf, and only the back of her head is visible...But I can see him, his lips on hers... her fingers tangled in his long strands of hair. I should look away.... I should turn and walk away... But I am stuck. I should not invade their privacy like this... even though they are doing this in a public place. I hear her moan.. and my face cringes. Why am I standing here??? He opens his eyes... and meets mine as I am standing across them, only a book shelf between us, but the gap between the books work against me. Dammit!! I should have hidden or best, I should have just left!

They are still kissing.. But his eyes are on me... And he is staring at me with such intensity that gives me goosebumps. They break their kiss, and the girl giggles, But that doesn't make him look away from me. She starts unbuttoning his shirt... and that's when I look away, my trance breaks and I turn and almost run to my seat.

I sit down and open my book, But my mind is still there.... Staring at them both. I shake my head and try to concentrate on my book. Suddenly I hear footsteps and  when I look up, I see that girl, rushing towards the door. I hear her sniffing.... Is she crying?? What happened? They both seemed to be happy, a few seconds ago.

I am lost in my thoughts.... And suddenly feel a presence behind me... I feel someone leaning on my chair from behind. I don't turn around... But I already know who it is. He bends down and keeps both of his arms on each of my sides on the table. My breath hitches at this proximity. His scent invading my senses.... His spicy, woody scent.... "Did you enjoy the show?" his voice breaks my daze. "Huh?" I say without a second thought, later I get his question... the show.. Oh. He leans closer, his face just above my shoulder.

"I don't think my performance was that bad.. for you to forget it within minutes" he whispers near my ear, sending chills down my spine. Why is his closeness effecting me this much?? I don't even know this guy... other than that he is extremely intelligent, Student council president..... sinfully handsome, with a perfect body, a good height...... He is my brother's best friend!!!!! That fact wakes me up from my Ronobir Land. "No. I didn't mean to see.... That. I just heard a sound, So I thought.. It was not intentional I swear!" I try to explain my presence there. But he tuts at my explanation. "Anyways what are you doing here Princess? Isn't it lunch time?" he says, trying to divert me... little does he know, I am already diverted, after hearing him call me Princess!!!

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