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Ronobir (pov)

When I took that girl.. what was her name? oh yes Kavya, when I took her to the library, to have some fun.. I didn't expect anyone there, especially during lunch. But who knew a girl, who loves books more than food. Raagini Maheshwari is proving to be an intriguing girl... a change for me, And that irritates me to no extent, because of the very prominent fact that she is Raj's little sister. His precious Raagini. I shake my head. Damn It! Why am I so frustrated by the reality. She is just another girl. Get a fucking Grip Ronobir!!

She tries to be brave, because she knows, she is safe. But she doesn't know her cheekiness turned me the fuck on. The way she stands, so close to me, and stares straight into my eyes. That is when she fucked up. I have been trying to ignore her for days, Yess.. Trying... How have I come to this? Me having to try to ignore a girl?? Ughhh!! 

That's how I ended up messing around with Kavya, to distract myself, and I have been successful in doing so for the past few days. But the moment I caught her watching me, kissing Kavya, I wanted to stop... wanted to just push that girl way. But the constant reminder of who she is... pissed me which resulted in me being more involved in the kiss, with my eyes on her face, her wide eyes, as if a child watching porn for the first time. I mentally laugh at that imagery.

(few minutes ago)

I felt Kavya's fingers on my shirt buttons, trying to pry them open, and I saw Raagini walking back. The moment she was out of my sight, I caught hold of Kavya's hands and threw them off me. "Enough for today". I start to leave, but then she blocks my way and tries to open my belt. Ok... I sigh, she really wants me to be rude. Ok! "It will not matter.. I am just not turned on by you, Maybe make yourself better" I shove her hand away. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. Tch see this is why I don't mess with any girl more than once. They fucking catch feelings like it is some kind of sports. She runs away, yeah should have done that much earlier.

(Flashback end)

This girl... wants to be my friend?? Why??? She was upset beacuse according to her, I ignored her existence... oh little does she know.. ""Ok .. We will be friends." I cup her little face with my hands. Her eyes shine with genuine happiness. Shit! So she was serious about this friends thing. She goofs around a bit like pretending to be meeting me for the first time, introducing herself.. I usually avoid such silly acts... I sigh and play along, she wants a fresh start... and maybe it is good for me too. Maybe I will not think about her all day, maybe this friendship is good for my sanity.... Because atleast in this, I won't be guilt ridden.. by the fact that she is Raj's sister.

Raagini (pov)

"If adventures will not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad" – Jane Austen

This woman amazes me! Her thoughts even at those early times... "Raagini!!" My brother knocks on my door, "Come in!" I shout back.. as I keep a bookmark and close the book. He gets in and literally spreads like an amoeba on my bed.. "Bookworm got herself a book Finally! So that is why you were invisible during the lunch time. I should have guessed it" he chuckles and I roll my eyes.. silently grateful that he didn't guess it and come there to find me, because if he did.. the scene he would have witnessed... I shake my head at that thought. "So, why is that such big a deal? Huh.. stop making fun of my precious books. Stupid people like you won't understand these literal beauties." I stick out my tongue at him.

He chuckles with a head shake "Fine Fine... I am stupid, But don't think I didn't notice what's going on between you and Ronobir" he says with a sudden seriousness, his statement baffles me. What!! What is he talking about? Did he see us in the library!! Did he by any chance.... See us in that state, when Ronobir pulled me to the library corner!!! NO WAYY!

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