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Rose Vila Wheeler

           We all sit in silence back at the trailer park at a bench.

The place is cleaned up.

No more crime scene, other than the road Fred died at, that road is blocked off currently.

I try to figure all of this out, all that Nancy had just told us about Fred.

The same body, the same place, both of them being high school students.

What is this thing targeting?

"So we know that Fred and Chrissy... their deaths are related by the same thing.

And this thing, we're saying that's it's from the upside down too?" Nancy questions.

"Our working theory is that it attacks with some type of curse, like Vecna."

"What the hell is a Vecman?" Steve questions.

"Vecna. And it's like a dedicated corpse. He strives to be the only deity in existence, craving power. He's the wizard of what you may presume to be death." Dustin answers.

"Vecna... hail lord Vecna..."
"Missing his left hand..."
"And his left eye!"

The night when I first played with Hellfire, I remember Eddie mentioning Vecna.

During the game I mesmerized Vecna's quest for never ending power. He's the remark of evil. 

"Clearly this is something new. Something different." Max begins. "I don't know. Fred and Chrissy... Why would that thing only target them? Why not anyone else?" Nancy questions.

"Maybe the same reason the Mindflayer attacked Will, to make them a host to create an army." I suggest.

"Do you think Will could possibly still be connected?" Robin questions.

Either way if Will was still connected, we'd have no way of truly knowing because Will isn't here in Hawkins.

"I don't know. Will would have to be here in Hawkins to test that theory out." Either way, it's not safe for Will to be here if that theory is correct.

"Nancy you said Fred was acting weird?" Max looks towards Nancy.
"Yeah, not until we came here though. He was just on edge I guess."

"Maybe, maybe that's something. Chrissy... I heard her crying in the bathroom when I walked in there. And shortly after she came back from Kelly's office a few days later. The same day she... yeah."

I take all of this in, it's slowly piecing together in my mind.
"Do you think maybe if Fred was having the same symptoms or whatever as Chrissy, being freaked out and stuff, do you think he might've talked with Kelly too?" I question.

Robin nods, "I mean yeah, if I were them I wouldn't go to the police, they wouldn't believe you if you said you saw some vecman-"
"Vecna." Dustin corrects.
"Sorry, Vecna thing running around I'd go to someone like a school counselor."

We all look amongst each other contemplating on the next move.

      I begin to walk back to the car with the others, Nancy brought her own from being here with Fred. She never told us why she was here in the first place?

She walks to her car and instantly Steve is stopping her, "Woah Nance? Where are you going?" She pauses and turns to us.

"I just- Im going to go take care of something else that's probably gonna be a waste of time."

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