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Rose Vila Wheeler

I must have fell asleep again. This time when I woke up, Eddie was no longer by me. I no longer feel him clinging onto me.

In fact, no one is around right now. It's just me asleep on the floor.

Confused, I blink my eyes and I begin to sit up to see everyone else in the kitchen.
I smell breakfast, and everyone else is around taking.

Eddie is talking to Dustin at the table whilst Steve makes pancakes and Nancy helps gathering plates and silverware.
Robin stays at the counter next to Max and Lucas.

I slowly stand up, I fell asleep in fucking jeans and now it feels like my legs are crippled. That and because of the other activities that took place last night.
It's been a while since I've had sex, I didn't think I'd be this sore.

I walk over to sit next to Robin, "Morning sunshine." She says with a smile.
"Morning." I say with a lazy smile back.

Nancy places a plate in front of us and shortly after Steve comes with pancakes.

"Wow, Steve I don't think I've ever seen you cook." I say grabbing the syrup.
"Trust me, I make the best pancakes." He replies with a cockiness to his tone.

I shake my head with a smile going in for a bite.
Okay it's good, I believe him.

"Hey Eddie, do you know when exactly Vecna attacked that guy?" Nancy questions.

Eddie turns to her, his hair in a low bun with two strands of his curly hair hanging in his face, "Yeah, I know exactly what time. When I tried to reach you guys, my walkie wasn't the only thing that broke."

He takes off his watch and he tosses it towards Nancy, she catches it and she looks down at the time.

"9:27." She looks towards all of us and then it clicks.
"That's around the same time the lights all exploded when we were in the attic." I remember, that has to mean that that's exactly when he killed him.

"Okay perfect, we're one step closer. Now we know exactly where he kills his victims." Lucas says.
"Okay, so now we need to find our way to the upside down and drive a stake through his heart." Max says taking a sip of her orange juice.

"Bullets should work on him, right?" Eddie questions.
"We should chop his head off." Lucas suggests.

"Yeah I say we do all of that. But we don't know a way into the upside down." Nancy's right. Ever since El closed the gates and then Joyce closed it again, we have no way of re-entering that world.

"We need El, if only she had her powers."
Steve sighs in satisfaction at the taste of food, "Yeah totally, things were waaay easier, we had this girl she had-"
"Super powers. Yeah, you mentioned her." Eddie interrupts him.

I shake my head, "Okay wait hold on- pause. So if Vecna is killing people from our dimension, there has to be another gate open if he's able to reach back into our world." It makes perfect sense. When the gate was open at the lab, the mindflayer was able to bleed into our world, when it was closed, he couldn't reach anyone.
I assume it's the same with Vecna.

"Either way, how are we supposed to sneak back into the lab?" Dustin questions.
"Maybe the gate isn't located in the lab."
"So where is it?"

I take a deep breath, "Vecna killed Patrick last night in the water, the same exact time our lights exploded. And Patrick was out by Lover's Lake..."
Steve squints his eyes, "I'm confused."

Nancy's eyes widen, "So what if Vecna is creating the gates. Maybe when he killed Patrick, he created that gate."
"So we go back to Lover's Lake?" Robin questions.
"Yeah, later tonight. We can't risk anyone seeing us out in the open. Especially Eddie."

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