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Eddie Munson

"I can't- Eddie what the hell do I do!?" Dustin yells as we both watch her.

She stays in the air. Anything could happen at any given moment.

But I'll literally ditch the plan if it means I need to save her.

"God I don't know! I don't know!" I yell back.
I feel my hand getting tired and the bats are not so far away.

I'll actually stay with her out here and die with her.
She's not leaving without me.

"Dude there's like thirty seconds left and I don't know what the hell to do!" Dustin yells under distress.

"Come on Rose!" I talk loud enough in hopes that she'll hear me. In hopes that she'll fight.

"Please! Come on please come back to me!" I yell.
I feel my own heart ache at those words.

I never thought I'd have to beg and pray for someone to survive. For someone to stick with me.

I deject at my own words, I feel the stifle feeling being strained on my lungs making it hard for me to even let my own cries out. Let alone words.

"Rose if you can hear me! Please, please fight!"
I'm praying, I'm hoping.
And in all honestly it feels like I'm praying to the goddamn walls.

My eyes never leave hers, my fingers stay mindlessly strumming at the guitar in my hands as my head stays tilted up looking at her.

Suddenly, I watch her as her body begins to fall.

I stop playing and I rush over to her.

I pick up her head to rest it onto my lap, I watch her as her eyes open and they meet mine again.
And the world stops again.

I sigh out in relief and I let out a laugh as I watch her look at me.

My heart feels like it beats again.

I lean myself down and kiss her hard on the lips.

Rose Vila Wheeler

"Come on Rose!..." His sweet voice echoes through my head.
His sweet, sweet, voice...

"Please! Come on please come back to me!" He yells.

Light music fades in the background, but his broken voice and cracked words is all I can hear clearly.

Im stuck in this incessant trance. I still can't move or see. My eyes are shut completely.

I feel as that strain in my neck gets sharper and tighter as his hold on me grows stronger.

I thought maybe I'd die of old age, but who was  kidding? I'm opened to all of this stuff going on in my life, it was only a matter of time before I die.

My eyes stay pinched shut. I'm afraid to look, I'm afraid for what I may see.

I don't want Vecna to be the last person I see when I die.

So I'm closing my eyes, and I'm imagining Eddie.
Im imagining the hopeful gleam in his eyes.
Im imagining his rose colored lips.
His undulating long black hair.
His beautiful imperfections that make everything perfect about him.
His heart intertwined with mine.

And I imagine that when I die, my soul will pull me to him like a solenoid force.
I'll spend my life as a ghost in his arms.

"Don't listen to that. They cannot help you Rose. Only I can." I hear Vecna say to me.

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