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Rose Vila Wheeler

              He walks around my room, and I slump down on my bed watching him as he looks around. From some reason I feel nervous having him here in my room. This is my first time ever having someone other than Nancy in here, let alone a guy. 

"You like music?" His fingertips lightly brush against the mixtapes I have full of of music on my desk.
"Yeah I mean who doesn't?" I watch as he grabs one mixtape and examines it.
"You'd be surprised. You like metal?" He turns to me with both his eyebrows raised, he's holding my Mötley Crüe mixtape.
"My taste in music is all over the place really." I see him smile as he puts the tap back where it was.
"I didn't really take you to be a heavy metal girl." He leans against my dresser looking at me doing that head tilt thing he does.
"Not what you expected?" I question with a playful smile.
"No. Not what I expected. I guess I thought you'd be a Bowie girl. Maybe Beastie Boys." He smirks.
"Oh if you keep looking you'll find a few of those tapes."

He shakes his head walking over to me sitting on the edge of my bed. For a moment I just sit there as he stares down at me. His eyes are hard to pull away from, it's like time is frozen and I can't speak or move. 
I finally blink my eyes and look away standing up. "Um you should probably take a shower now since my parents aren't home, I can get you another pair of clothes and wash the ones you're wearing." I walk over to hand him a towel.
He nods his head, "Okay yeah."
"Uh, bathroom is across the hall, you're clothes will be in here when you're ready." I open my bedroom door for him and he walks out into the bathroom.

I assume after all my parents decided to go out of town for spring break like they had planned. Which is good for them, but my parents never tell me anything anymore. Sometimes I partially feel like it's because I'm getting older they assume I don't want to talk to them anymore, which is obviously not true, I love my parents. But after the whole Billy situation with my mom and me finding out she was about to cheat on my dad, she kind of just stopped talking to me like she used to. My dad still doesn't know about that, and I'm sure my mom doesn't intend to tell him about that. So for now they're just a big happy perfect family with just Holly.

I hear a knock on my door downstairs, it's probably Steve coming to pick up his car, that was fast.
Steve continues to knock on the door repeatedly and obnoxiously.
"Jesus I'm coming! Calm down-" I pull open the door and I see Jason.

"Hey Rose." He shoots me a painful smile. He looks bad. Really bad. Drained and tired.
"Jason? Hi." I play oblivious.
"You home alone?" He questions looking past me to see if he can find anyone.
Okay. A good lie. The shower is running, Steve's car is in my driveway, my car and my parents car is gone.
"No actually, Steve is just upstairs showering. Why? Is everything alright?" Make it seem like you and Steve were just hooking up. Gross but good.
"Where is you car and your parents?" He ignores my fake concern.
The fuck. How does my personal life concern him. Deep breaths Rose and keep calm.
"My parents took my car for an oil change, some trouble with that, I guess I was leaking." It's taking everything within me to not punch his stupid face right now.
He nods his head, " Have you maybe seen Dustin, or possibly Eddie."
I shake my head and furrow my brows, " No I haven't. But Jason, I'd like to say I'm so sorry about Chrissy. And I hope they find Eddie. That's terrible what he did to her, truly." I clench my fists down at my sides.
"Thank you, will you do me a favor and keep a lookout though?" he questions.
"Of course Jason." I smile. It feels like my eyes are twitching. I can't stand pretending to play nice with this asshole. Please leave.
"I'll uh, let you get back to Harrington." He walks off my porch and I watch as he walks back to his car where all of his other stupid jock friends are at.
I sigh and shut the front door making sure to lock it as I do so.

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