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Rose Vila Wheeler

It's dark out, I can see the bright full moon. I can hear the water, the light waves clashing against each other.

Im standing in front of the boat house. I see the shed, and I see the lamp post flicker on.

My feet carry me to the shed doors pulling them open.
There I see Eddie.

"Eddie?" I question.
He doesn't hear me. He can't hear me.

I look around the shed, and below me I see Jason and his friend, blood on Jason's face and his friend gripping onto his stomach.

I look back towards Eddie and I see him with two paddle boards, he's running out the back doors of the shed.

I furrow my brows and I follow him to see where he's going.

I see Eddie push the canoe that was once inside the shed into the water. I see Eddie quickly get in and I watch as he begins to swiftly paddle away from shore.

I look back towards the shed and I see Jason limping his way over to the water-dock as his friend follows closely behind.

"Get back here Munson!" Jason calls out.

My heart races as I watch Eddie paddle away hurriedly and I watch as Jason takes off his coat and shoes before he dives in the water with his friend.

They swim out to him getting closer and closer until Jason tries to climb inside the boat but Eddie threatens him with the paddle pushing him back.

"Stay back!" Eddie yells.

What do I do? He can't see me. I need to help him or else Jason is gonna get him.

"Eddie!" I call out.

My voice echoes.

My surroundings change all around me, and everything goes black.

I need to wake up.

Footsteps approaching. Loud and slow.

One chime... two chimes... and three chimes.

Again, there's no fourth.

I turn around to see the clock.
He taunting me.
He's trying to get inside my head.

"Go away!" I scream.

"Is it ringing?" I hear a voice in a distance.
I quickly turn around the other way, I see a phone booth. I see Mike and Will.

I deeply sigh, what the fuck is going on right now?

"Mike? Mike can you hear me?" I question.


"No, it's just making a bunch of weird noises." Mike holds the phone to his ear. It looks like they're trying to get into contact with someone.

The phone continues to ring. But it's off. The ring sounds different.

"Wait wait. Listen to this." Mike hands Will the phone.
Will continues to listen confused.
"The ringing. What does it remind you of?" Mike questions.

Will listens carefully before answering, "War games."

Jonathan takes the phone and listens for himself. The sudden realization dawns in his face, "We aren't listening to a phone ringing, we're listening to a computer."

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