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Rose Vila Wheeler
(2 days later)

I stay up in my bedroom.
My curtains stay shut and I'm surrounded by complete darkness inside my bed.

I have my covers over me keeping warm.
My body is curled into a ball hugging my own knees as I just stare at my sheets.

I hear everyone else outside, they're packing to go to that school fundraiser things for all the missing people. I guess it's for donations or something like that.

I'm not going though.
I don't want a reminder shoved in my face that my love is dead.

There will be people talking about him. It's all over the news too.

Eddie Munson is dead, what a great fucking miracle for Hawkins.

I haven't been able to sleep.
I haven't been able to eat.
I haven't been able to cry.
I haven't been able to speak.
I haven't been able to think of anything other than my love.

When we left that night, when we left him. I couldn't get the image out of my head. It was like I was paralyzed.

That night, Nancy helped me in the shower as I cried.

Steve helped me into bed.

My parents asked what was wrong with me, they had to lie and say it was because I was traumatized because of the 'earthquake'.

I also heard about Max and Lucas.
I couldn't even mourn for her, because my mind is too caught up on him.

I know that they're all going to question me on why I never told them why I was cursed, I guess I just didn't want them worrying about me. I didn't want to think of stressing everyone out more.
I'm now starting to think that was a little selfish not telling them.

I hear someone honking their car obnoxiously outside, I turn over covering my ears blocking the noise out.

I pinch my eyes shut closed.

It's not long before I see him fade into mind in the darkness.
Him in my arms.
His voice.
His last words...

"Say it back Rose, please..."

I groan snapping my eyes back open.

I throw the covers over my body sitting up.
My mouth is dry and I'm lightheaded.

I reach my body over to my nightstand grabbing my water.

I take one big drink setting it back down on my nightstand.

I sit on the edge of my bed, and I reach inside my shirt pulling out Eddie's guitar pic necklace.

I stare at it, rubbing the pad of my thumb over the surface.

I then raise it up to my lips, kissing it.

God I miss his lips on mine.

That ache stays in my empty heart.
The heart that he took with him.

I'm about to go back under my covers before I hear a light knock on my door.

I sigh quietly to myself. I really just want to be alone.

"Come in." I softly say.

The door opens and I see Mike walk through.
Confused, I stand up immediately.


He gives me a small smile and he walks over to me silently.

He pulls me in for a big hug.
His head rests on mine and he just hugs me.

the freak (eddie munson) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ