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"maybe i shouldn't try to be perfect

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"maybe i shouldn't
try to be perfect."
the neighborhood

THE NEXT MORNING, Dallas and Denver arrived to school, they met with Dustin and Lucas and then shorty after walked to class, one thing that caught their eyes though was that Mikes bike wasn't there, nor was he in class.

Dallas slammed her book down in her desk before she sat in her seat that was next to Lucas on the left side, and next to Denver on the right side while Dustin was next to Lucas on his other side.

"Oh, this is weird. He's never this late." Dustin told them nervously while taking off his back pack.

"I'm telling you guys, his stupid plan failed." Lucas told them, throwing his hands up.

"Didn't you like his plan?" Denver said leaning forward to see Lucas, as Dallas nodded in agreement.

"I did, but obviously it was stupid, or he'd be here."

"If his mom found out a girl other than Dal spent the night-" Dustin began.

"He's in deep shit right about now." The Sinclair boy finished.

"Hey, what if she slept naked?" Dustin asked, his imagination running wild.

"Dustin, why does your mind just automatically go to... naked? I'm genuinely curious." Dallas asked, concerned, with furrowed eyebrows.

"Why does Dustin's mind go to any of the things he says." Denver said with his gaze angled down at his hands, he was twirling his pencil between his fingers.


"I don't know, it seems like something that would happen." Dustin shrugged, nonchalantly.

"Oh, my God, she didn't." Lucas said, annoyed.

"Oh, if Mrs. Wheeler tells my parents..." Dustin began, putting his face in his hands, worryingly.

"No way. Mike would never rat us out."

"It's like we don't even know him anymore." Denver said dramatically, Dallas grabbed the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"All that matters is, after school, the freak will be back in the loony bin, and we can focus on what really matters, finding Will." Lucas told them, before looking down and opening his book.

"Lucas." Dallas called, making him look back up that towards her "Why are you always so negative about everything."

"How are you not? We were ment to find Will, that was our task, not to find a girl that hardly speaks anything but two words." Lucas told while looking at her and shaking his head.

"We can still help her out, Lucas, obviously she needs it, and it's the least we can do." She told him as he just rolled his eyes and looked forward.

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