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" guess i better wash my mouth out with soap

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" guess i better wash my
mouth out with soap."
melanie martinez

THE BRIGHT YELLOW colored pencil teared a hole through the white lined paper with a slight noise, the girl, who was sitting in front of the paper hanging in her face flinched back.

The boy holding the paper, Mike Wheeler, was demonstrating to her what Mr. Clarke had previously shown them, just to give her a better idea of what they were now dealing with.

"It would take a lot of energy to build a gate like this." Mike informed "But that's got to be what happened. Otherwise, how'd Will get there, right?"

"Right." Eleven croaked out with a nod.

The curly haired girl who was sat next to the Eleven on the other side of the couch with also nodded. She was not willing to hear it again but here she was.

Hearing something get explained one time was one thing, but hearing it all over again for a second time wasn't what she was looking forward to.

"What we want to know is, do you know where the gate it?" Lucas asked from his spot in a single couch chair in front of the three, while holding his hands out, in response she shook her head.

"Then how do you know about the Upside down?" Lucas pressed on louder, his patience growing thinner as the minute's went on.

"She could have figured it out another way, a way, without the gate involved." Dallas suggested shrugging while pulling on her now loose hair that she took out after a while after the funeral, she still had her black dress on, which she kept uncomfortably pulling down.

"Okay, why isn't she telling us that, then, Dal." Lucas spat while Dallas gave him a irritated look.

"Well, I don't know the answer to that, Lucas." Dallas rolled her eyes, replying in the same tone as all their voices went down after that, making her take notice of Dustin who was pacing, then to her brother who looked like he was on the verge of falling asleep, while he was fanning the boy with blank papers that Mike had left unused.

"Dustin what are you doing?... Dustin?" Mike asked worryingly to his friend who'd been pacing during the whole conversation.

"He's has been pacing like this for the past ten minutes." Denver mentioned, his suit jacket was now off and thrown lazily onto the floor "My arm is starting to cramp up so badly that I think I need to get it checked out." He groaned out, throwing his head back on the sofa while stopping the makeshift fan he made out of paper and instead rubbed his arm.


"Dustin!" They repeatedly continued to shout making him finally look over.

"I... I need to see your compasses." Dustin declared, already holding two in his hands, one being his own and other most likely being Denver's.

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