A Power unleashed through grief.

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The scene cuts to Po and Yue watching different groups of villagers train for different battle skills.

Yue: Your real strength comes from being yourself. So who are you? What are you good at? What do you love? What makes you - you? 

Po: *to hacky sack kids* Yes, good. Good, again. *to rolling kids* Good, again. *to Panda Villager #2* Good, good, good. Again!

Tigress and Crane become increasingly confused as they watch the villagers train in nontraditional ways.

Tigress: Wha?...

Crane: I don't think we should question it, it is Yue's idea.

Lei Lei: *walks up to Tigress* Stripy baby, stripy baby.

Po: *to Mei Mei* Faster. Faster! Roll those ribbons! *to Panda Villager #2* Hug that log you, hug that log like it's the last time you're ever gonna hug it goodbye forever. *to hammock launchers* Higher, and a little more to the left this time. You can do it! *to hacky sack kids* I don't wanna see any of these hit the ground! *tosses up dumplings*

Lei Lei: *hugs Tigress in the background* Wait, wait, stripy baby.

Po: *to Panda Villager #2* Good, try it with this. *Po brings a rock. He then talks to the hacky sack kids.* Now try it with these. *Po brings firecrackers. He then talks to Mei Mei* Good, now try it with these! *brings nunchucks*

Mei Mei twirls around the nunchucks, accidentally flinging it into the air and hitting Panda Villager #1 unconscious.

Meanwhile Yue was busy with Feng and Mai, she was currently tossing carved wooden swords at them. Feng used his Dao to slice and dice them while dodging the wooden splinters. Mai was maneuvering around the wooden swords using her flight and agility, since she was smaller, it gave her an advantage in combat.

Yue: Stay focused you two. Feng, when it cones to my style of Kung fu, distance is the best defense, maintaining a safe distance between yourself and your opponent is key,  or as I like to call it, fighting without fighting *throws another wooden sword at him as he dodges* let your opponent fight themselves, if there's ever a situation when your not able to keep distance, we do resort to combat *tosses another wood sword at Feng as he effortlessly shatters it with a quick kick* we use anything to our advantage, in order to gain the upper hand.

Yue then throws the wooden splinters at her biological brother, he quickly uses a nearby table as a shield to block the splinters.

Feng: Is using wooden swords the best option? Someone could get a splinter to the face.

Yue: It was either that or using kitchen utensils, which are made of metal by the way.

Feng: Good point. Literally. *a splinter falls of the table shield*

Yue: Mai. You may not be an experienced fighter, but you definitely have skill. Just like Crane, you're swift and you can easily block attacks with circular motions *throws three wooden splinters at Mai who dodges each one in a circular motion while flying* And just like Mantis, your quick and agile enough to perform lightning fast strikes, and your small enough to evade much bigger targets *tosses a much larger wooden sword at Mai who in a matter of seconds shatters it into hundreds of tiny splinters as she evades them.

Mai: Finally! Being small pays off. Also that "fighting without fighting" could use a better name. How about, the Art of the Silent Fist?

Yue: Huh. That's not a bad idea.

Feng: I just have one question, how come Po is training the entire village while you're just training us?

Yue: Po knows the villagers more then I do, and considering I spent more time with you guys did help me understand more of what you can do.

The Panda And The Fox 3: Kung Fu Panda 3. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now