Chapter 10

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Brian was standing in the midst of his enemies. He steals a glance at Cassius and his servant. Cassius recognizes him and stops his intimidation with his bloodlust.

"Brian? What are you doing here?" he asks.

"Oh, hey?" Brian greets him trying to look less suspicious. "What should I say to him? Think fast." he answers scratching the back part of his nape, "I just lost my way here."

Cassius narrows his eyes, "Really? This storage room is far from the party hall. Unless you-" he suddenly appears behind his back with his claws digging into his skin, "-deliberately followed my servant."

Brian grabbed his arm releasing himself from his grasp. Then he kicks his leg and runs towards the door to escape. But his servant blocks the path by standing in front of the door. He skids stopping abruptly.

"Are you really a freshman?" Cassius asks politely. He stays quiet in response.

Cassius mumbles, "I don't like getting ignored." he slowly walks towards him.

The next moment, he opens his mouth revealing two pairs of fangs. He jumps towards him to tear his flesh apart. Brian immediately takes out his dagger blocking his attack.

"This bastard is an undercover specialist! Quickly unlock the security systems and lock the main gates quickly! No guests must escape tonight!" Cassius shouts while attacking him.

"Yes." The servant leaves the room in the next second.

"Now, we can have some fun." He takes out six marbles from his pocket. He throws it on the ground. Smoke comes out spreading the whole room.

The room becomes foggy which makes Brian unable to see Cassius. He looks everywhere thinking of possibilities of attacks coming from anywhere. A silence surprise attack attacked him from behind scratching his back.

"Argghhh!!" Brian groans in pain.

"Say... if you are here then there must be other specialists that infiltrated this place, isn't it." Cassius's voice echoes in the midst of the fog.


"Commander, we have received a trace of heteroenergy usage." Mark shouts after coding. He is a strategist and IT department's genius when it comes to coding and hacking.

"Good. Send the location of where Brian is. Quickly send the combat weapons."

"On it, Commander!" one of his team member control a drone that was carrying two boxes in stacks. It drops the boxes in front of her and flew away.

"Aria, you must find your friend and leave this place. Sooner or later it will no longer be safe." she smiles, "You have done enough. Now hurry and go back to your daughter."

"What about other people then?" Aria asks looking worried.

"You don't have to worry. Other squad members has already infiltrated this place. It won't be long enough before-" they hear a surprise gasp at the entrance.

"Commander, we detecting S+ rank vampire entering the manor." Mark speaks while typing on the virtual keyboard.

They quickly go to the place to see what was happening. A limousine was stopped in front of the entrance. A chauffer opens the door. Soon a young man gets down. He heads inside the manor with his bodyguard following him behind.

"Calton looks so handsome." Girls nearby compliments the young man's beauty.

"Who is he?" Eleanor asks.

"That is Calton, Cassius's elder brother. He always give mysterious vibes." Aria replied.

"He doesn't even bother to conceal his trail of blood that Cassius does to avoid getting caught." her gaze pierces Calton's back.

"Where is that disgrace little brother of mine?" Calton asks while loosening his tie.

"He is fighting against a specialist who infiltrated the party." the servant replied.

"Not just one specialist. There must be at least twenty of them infiltrated this place." He turns around meeting his gaze with Eleanor's, "Including her."

Suddenly the gates closes. People look at each other in confusion. Servants lined up at the entrance revealing their vampiric face. Countless gasps could be heard.

"A vampire..... it's a vampire!!!!" Panic spreads as people run towards the exit. Banging on the doors trying to escape but to no avail. They throw marbles releasing smoke turning commotion atmosphere to chaos. Aria and Eleanor quickly activate their masks.

"Aria, go! Don't stay here! It's not safe anymore!" Eleanor shouts.

"But-" she pushes her away, "Go!!" Aria feeling distraught runs away in the midst of chaos.

"Mark, try to unlock the gates for the civilians to leave this place."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Mark and his other members starts working on the new task.

"Squad B, protect the civilians from vampire servants."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Drones drops boxes that is filled with their respective weapons. They quickly equip and moves in pairs.

Calton suddenly appears in front of her raising his claws. She blocks it with her sword's scabbard. She quickly unsheathes her sword and swings it wildly which he gracefully dodged it. He jumps back vanishing in the fog. She dodges her head back nearly missing her right eyes from getting scarred.

"His movements are concealed making it harder for me to fight against him since he has advantage." she opens her eyes glowing in bright blue, "Specialist detection skill. Proprioception." The surroundings around her becomes transparent blue. She can hear people screaming, their footsteps, specialists swinging their weapons and of course, Calton's movements.

Even though his movements are silent, she can feel the vibrations made in the air. She knows where he will appear now. She steps forwards dodging it. She flips backwards dodging his unexpected attack. She keeps dodging and blocking his attacks.

"How does she knows where I'll attack her?" he transforms his left arm to a blade made out of ice. He charges towards her.

She evades his attacks. She jumps back. Her sword is bought closer to her face, "Spirit of fire. Chapter 2. Rings of fire." her blade ignites in blue flames. She spins clockwise clashing her sword with his. She again spins counter-clockwise and lastly she jumps high spinning downwards. Her sword clashes with his blade sending a gust of wind clearing the fog.

He raises his eyebrows seeing his blade getting chipped off slowly, "Just how powerful she is to be able to cut my ice blade that is even harder than any steel?!" He clenched his teeth resisting her blow while getting pushed back. He roars pushing her back. She flips regaining her position. A gust of icy wind covers Calton's entire body. The winds freezes people that were close to his range. The wind dissipates revealing his left upper torso covered in shards of ice. This time his right arm also transformed into ice blade.

"Commander, we are picking up Chaotic-class vampire signal in front of you." Mark speaks in earpiece.

"No one has ever forced me to take this form. You are quite a powerful one." He appears in front of her. He strikes his blades in cross slash. She immediately flips rolling backwards.

"His speed has greatly increased after taking that form. I won't be able dodge his attacks easily from now on." he suddenly appears behind her. She blocks his attack while getting pushed back. He clashes with her at inhumane speed. She keeps up with his speed making him even angrier as he keeps increasing his speed. Both strikes at the same time and jumps back. She was breathing slow but steadily regaining her breathe.

Her cold expression distorts for a moment seeing a dead body flying in the air with the blade pierced through his chest and blood dripping down. His body slowly starts to twitch. Blue veins spreads from his chest through his body to his eyes. He opens his colorless eyes growling at Eleanor. His hands transforms to long finger blades charging towards her. She gets ready with her stance to attack it but at that moment Calton appears behind her.

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