Chapter 11

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Heels of the shoes clack against the marble floors as the young woman walks inside the City F's V.E.M. branch office. Low-ranking specialists step away from her way seeing her Purple dragon-ranked badge. Her black overcoat hung on her shoulders flutters with her dark hair. She stops by the reception. She taps on the table impatiently.

"Hey, where's Eleanor Martinez?" she asks the receptionist.

"Miss Eleanor is right now on a mission. She is leading a small-scale war to subjugate the 'Ghost'." the receptionist replied.

"Where is she now?"

"That....." the receptionist types on the keyboard. Then she looks at her, "I'm sorry. She didn't update mission form so I don't know where she is situated now."

Her grey eyes narrows with her face scrunched in anger and clicks her tongue in annoyance, "Whatever. I just wasted my time with this useless talk. I'll find her myself." with that she walks out of the office.


Aria heads inside the manor when no one was looking around. She went searching around the rooms looking for Louisa but no signs of her. She hides inside the library and makes a call.

"H-hello?" Louisa answered. She sounded frightened.

"Louisa! Thank goodness you are alright. Where are you right now? We have to leave this place at once." Aria looks around cautiously.

"How do we leave? Doors are closed and vampires are everywhere in the middle of chaos. What should I do? Aria? You there? Hey answer!"

Aria stares at the shelf. She feels a faint wind flowing across the room. She approaches towards it. "I'll talk to you later. Just try to find a way to escape." she puts her phone back in the pocket and examines the shelf closely. She pushes the shelf with all her might. Fresh air grazes her cheeks as she stares at the dark hallway. "I wonder where this hidden passage leads to." she takes out her phone and switches on the flashlight walking inside.


Brian couldn't keep up with Cassius's speed of attacks hence he was pushed back. Cassius would appear out of nowhere throwing him towards the shelves shattering bottles in the process. He gets pricked by glass shards but he had to endure the pain to keep fighting. He picks up his knife getting ready to fight.

"If only I had my sword to fight. All my training with Eleanor had gone to waste." he takes his stance and charges towards Cassius.

Cassius laughs while blocking all his attacks. He jumps back, "I can do it like Eleanor. I will infuse heteroenergy in my blade and use it like a sword.". His eyes glows in blue color engulfing his body in blue flames. His dagger gets engulfed in blue flames, "Sword art. Chapter one. Speed slash." he dashes towards Cassius like thunder reaching for his head.

Cassius smiles smugly, "You might be fast but for me, you are still slow." he dodges evading his attack and punches his abdomen throwing towards the wall. He coughs out blood falling on his knees. His hands tremble trying to pick up the dagger. He grits his teeth, "Looks like I used too much energy. I can't pick up my dagger to fight him."

"You are thinking too much, Brian. You are going to die." Cassius punches him.

"Brian, I got your sword!!" Aria suddenly shouts while sliding his sword towards him.

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