Christmas gifts

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Christmas time had never been something Emma enjoyed in her life, from the annoying Christmas jingles that would play in each and every store you stepped foot in, to the capitalist scam it all was; not to mention the horrible memories associated with Christmas of growing up in a household she was not wanted in. Then in more recent years this time of year reminded her of the crash.

It all led to the conclusion that Emma hated this holiday. Which is why she was so surprised to find herself excitedly buzzing around the store to prepare Christmas gifts, only mildly annoyed at hearing 'all I want for Christmas is you' for the third time today.

This would be her third Christmas together with Paul and first living together, to which she found herself excited.

Last year neither of them really did much, ending up chilling at Paul's place snuggling and watching a movie, that was in no way a Christmas movie, but they were both okay with that.

This year though as they found themselves in their domestic living situation they also found themselves wrapped in the joy of Christmas, decorating a tree as they both laughed and made fun of each other in their sickeningly cute way.

Then of course finishing it off like any other activity, in each other's arms, heavy breathing as they stroked the other's naked body, Emma's head resting on Paul's bare chest listening deeply to the rhythm beating inside.

Paul was the lifeblood of her life, he made her truly happy, and though she would have never imagined herself in this situation she wouldn't give it up for the world. Which is why she wanted to make this Christmas so special.

Once again It was a rule between them that they wouldn't buy each other any gifts, though it was a rule neither one of them had followed in the past and would not be starting this year.

So she prepared, it wasn't the most expensive present ever but, she knew that this present would be in their life for years to come, only becoming more treasured as the years went on.

Paul too, wasn't the biggest fan of Christmas. He always celebrated, baring a smile as he attended a party of some kind, that he had been dragged to by Bill most likely.

But it never went much further than that.

It wasn't until he met Emma that he made any sort of tradition, he understood her dislike of the holiday and time of year, he shared similar experiences with Christmas as a child, a day that was not full of family and fun, or at least not together.

But there was something special about spending the day with Emma, no matter how big a deal it was, wether it was just spending the day together like any other day of the year, or they full on celebrated together. Christmas with Emma was magical.

And so though they agreed on no gifts, like last year he just had to give her something, for the joy that she gave to him, it was only fair he gave her something that showed he appreciated her, especially with their first Christmas living together.


Emma was the first to wake up, so she did what she would have done any other day, she snuggled into Paul, who was only a few centimetres away from where she lay.

But it wasn't just any old day, I mean it could have been, but the nerves of anticipation her stomach felt were not one of just a normal day.

With the movement of the bed Paul awoke to Emma in his arms, smiling he moved his arm to wrap tighter around her, sighing as he rubbed her back with contentment.

"Morning" he whispers.

"Morning" she replied with a sigh, "merry Christmas Paul" she adds on with a hum.

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