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"Ah ah ahhh" Eloise's cute little voice mumbled.

"You see the monkeys?" Emma asked the small girl in her arms.

Eloise pointed towards the enclosure in front of them more sounds imitating the monkey's escaping her lips.

"Uh oh I think one of the silly monkey's escaped" Paul sounded beside them

"Oh the silliest" Emma agreed, a laugh escaping her as Paul launched onto their daughter in a tickle attach.

"'Top dada 'top!!!" Eloise squealed, her body pressing into Emma's as she tried to escape the tickle monster.

"Okay okay" Paul conceded still laughing.

"Not funny!" Eloise pouted, making them both laugh just a little more.

"Come on, lets go see some more animals" Emma distracted pulling out a map of the zoo easily with one hand. "Oooh what about the horses, there's a petting zoo just around the corner" she suggested, knowing that would cheer up their daughter.

"Pony?" Her head popped up at the sound of one of her favourite animals.

Emma smiled, "yeah ponies" with her response Eloise had wiggled her way out of Emma's arms and excitedly pulled them both towards the ponies.

"This way sweetheart" Paul giggled as he redirected his overexcited daughter in the right direction.

"What noise does a pony make?" Emma asked curiously as they had reached the barn.

"Neigh!" Eloise excitedly exclaimed, "see horsies mama?" She asked pulling on her arm.

"You can go see them bubba" she confirmed, smiling as her daughters face brightened the closer they got, her smile however faded as the smell of horse shit hit her nose, making her gag and pull away.

"You okay?" Paul stopped beside her, genuine worry in his voice.

She took a small intake of breath, trying to ignore that she could still smell the putrid stuff.

"Yeah" she mumbled, a small hiccup of her stomach stoping her, "the smell just hit me." She laughed despite herself.

"I'm fine" she supplied.

"You sure? You can go wait outside while I stay here with Elle" he suggested.

"Paul I said I was fine" Emma snapped.

"Sorry" she immediately apologised, realising she'd been harsher then she intended.

"It's okay" Paul smiled, "just take it easy alright"

Emma nodded, "I will"

His hand made its way to the small of her back, gently guiding her closer to their daughter, while staying a safe distance away from the source of the smell.

"You should go up there with her, before something happens" Emma nodded towards the fence where the horses stood behind, and where their daughter was standing up against, chatting away with the worker who was carefully keeping her up right, with a hand on her back.

"Yeah" he muttered, leaving a quick kiss on Emma's cheek before rushing over to their daughter's side.

Emma watched on with a grin as she watched her daughter excitedly talk to her father, presumably about the horsies. The worker and Paul also had a huge grin on their faces as they watched Eloise excitedly talk to them. The effect this girl could have on people was incredible, just another reason why she loved her so much.

She touched a hand to her stomach, her smile widening.

"Mama!" She pulled herself back to reality to see her adorable daughter standing in front of her again. Her arms reached up above her head as she looked up in her eyes, Emma taking the hint and picking her up to rest on her hip, despite the disapproving look Paul gave her.

"Did you see me pet the horsies?" She excitedly asked her.

Emma smiled, "I did. Did you have fun?"

Eloise nodded "uh huh. Did you know they can s'eep standin' up?"

"What?" Emma laughed, "really?"

"Yeah! And they can wun within a few hours of birth'"

Emma smiled at her daughter's fun facts, even more when her words lisped, "where did you learn these?" She asked curiously.

Eloise pointed over to the worker she had been talking to before, the lady spotting us looking and waving to us.

Emma felt herself subconsciously raising her arm up to wave back, seeing her daughter doing the same thing also.

"Alright where do you want to go next?" Paul asked, breaking their little moment.

"Wions!" Eloise exclaimed before Emma even had the time to pull out the map.

"Lions?" Paul confirmed, to which she nodded excitedly.

"Okay, let's go" Paul smiled, leading the way out of the barn.

"Can you believe we're getting another one?" Emma whispered to Paul, turning away from Eloise as she spoke secretly.

Paul shook his head, resting his hand on her slightly swollen belly, just under where Eloise's leg rested, "honestly I can't even believe we already have one."  

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