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Things lay quiet in the early hours of Monday morning, you could quite literally hear a pin drop.

The soft hum of the occasional car further highlighted the silent moments where you could only faintly hear the rise and fall of two chests beating together in one rhythm.

These of course belonged to Emma and Paul, cuddled together just as they had been the night before. But as the clock slowly ticked away soon would come the alarm to break the silent spell cast over their room.

She buried her face deeper into his chest grumbling as the buzzing continued.

Fuck early morning shifts at beanies she had thought to herself as she reluctantly pulled herself up to turn off the alarm.

She flopped back down once the noise had finally stopped, groaning aloud she willed herself to get up.

But any attempt she was close to making was soon stopped by the strong arms that wrapped around her middle.

He pulled himself into her side holding a strong grip on her.

She shut her eyes smiling to herself in the still semi dark room. She moved her hand to his hair gliding her fingers through it, letting herself relax for just a second.

Sighing contently she looked over at the clock dreading what it said, and just as she feared she was pushing it for time.

Sighing again she began to pull herself out of Paul's grasp but to no success.

"I need to get up" she murmured but he only grumbled sleepily in response.

"I know you're awake" she laughed, "we can't cuddle all day, as much as I'd love to, you know how mad Nora was last time I was late."

"It's not fair you go so early" he whined finally speaking.

Emma frowned, "I know I hate it too, but I will be home earlier today so we can cuddle extra tonight, I promise."

"Okay" he whispered finally releasing his arms from her.

"Okay" she echoed leaving a kiss on his forehead to hopefully compensate her leaving him. He smiled at the contact snuggling in deeper to the bed.

She had made quick work of getting dressed, throwing a cardigan over her cold as fuck uniform before heading to the door.

"I love you" Paul called out before she shut the door.

"Love you too" she whispered back, shutting the door with a smile. She thought he went back to sleep.

A/N  This is a short one so you get two today! hope you enjoyed.

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