Bath Time

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"Alright miss messy pants, I think it's time for a bath" Emma hummed thoughtfully, running a baby wipe across Eloise's face and hands, a difficult task on the wiggly worm that was Eloise.

She shook her head, continuing to duck away from the wipe.

Emma sighed, a laugh escaping her lips, "come on Elle"

"Nuh uh" the fussy baby continued to resist the wipe, dodging every attempt her mother made to clean her.

It was absolutely adorable watching Eloise eat spaghetti for dinner tonight, from the little slurping noises she'd make as the noodle slowly made its way into her mouth, to the red sauce staining her cheeks, chin, chest, mouth and hands, the latter of which, though adorable was a pain to clean off.

Paul had begun the job of cleaning the table and highchair, while Emma had taken the job of cleaning up Eloise.

"Are you giving mommy a hard time?" Paul asked her upon entering the room again, a pout sat on his face, something Eloise just laughed at.

"Silly dada" she laughed pointing her messy finger towards his face.

Paul feigned a shocked gasp, "me silly? I think you are the silly one little bean" Eloise let out a shrill squeal as Paul tickled her sides, Eloise kicking her legs and attempting to wiggle out of the way.

"No more! No more!"

It was Paul and Emma's turn to laugh, and that they did. "Okay okay, no more" Paul could barely get his words out through his laughter.

Eloise didn't seem impressed.

"Daddy's sorry baby, your sides are just so cute"

After no response he spoke again, "Are you gonna let mommy clean you now?"

"'Kay" Eloise's response was barely audible, but they both heard it.

Paul smiled, "I love you bug" he leaned down to press a kiss to the crown of her head

"Luv you dada" was her little response.

"Alright, let's get this moving" Emma finally spoke, reaching the baby wipe back over to Eloise's face, she pulled away a little but was overall more compliant this time.

"You want your ducky pyjamas?" Emma asked the little girl in her arms, pointing at a set of footie pyjamas decorated with ducks. It was a gift that Tom had given them and it just so happened to be her favourite pyjamas.

"Yes!" Was her excited response.

Emma smiled, picking up the onesie and the other necessities she would need for a bath.

Eloise continued to chat away as she was carried into the bathroom by her mother, Emma smiling occasionally pretending she knew what she was talking about.

When they reached the bathroom Emma started the taps, feeling the water as it came out, then once satisfied with the temperature she got the towels and supplies ready, pouring a little bit of bubble bath into the tub as requested by Eloise.

She had gotten out the bucket of bath toys they kept next to the bath and asked Eloise what ones she wanted, tossing the selected ones into the tub.

Then once she had gotten everything ready she began to remove the last remaining clothes off of Eloise. "You ready?" She had asked her, preparing to lift her up into the bath but Eloise simply shook her head pausing Emma's actions.

"Don't you wanna have a bath and play with all your toys?"

Eloise lowered her head, "I don't wan 'lone"

Emma frowned, this wasn't something that had come up before.

"You with me?" She looked up hopefully.

Emma looked a bit shocked at first, but then frowned again, "I don't know baby mama–"

"Please?" Eloise interrupted, a twinkle in her eye that Emma just couldn't say no to.

"Okay" she conceded.

Eloise squealed excitedly throwing her arms up to be lifted up, which Emma did placing her into the now mostly filled bath.

Eloise giggled as she swatted the swarm of bubbles sitting around her picking some up with her hands and clapping them together making white foam fly all around the room.

Emma laughed as she took off her own clothes, watching as Eloise played with the bubbles and toys.

"Alright make room for me, I'm coming in" she chuckled as she announced her entry.

Once she was in Emma played with Eloise with the array of bath toys, racing the little boats across the water, dunking varies objects down and watching them float back up (something Eloise found very amusing) and of course playing make believe with the family of ducks, speaking in funny voices for each duck.

Then after a fair amount of playing Emma washed down Eloise's face and body with a face washer, and then shampooed and conditioned her hair, scrubbing her down while the small girl continued to play with her toys.

Then after Emma had finished washing her, she let her play a little longer while she rest back against the wall of the tub, eventually leading to Eloise cuddling up with her on her bare chest.


Emma opened her eyes at the sound, looking over to find Paul standing by the door.

She smiled at the sight of him, "Hey" she whispered back

"How's it going?"

She looked down at Eloise in her arms, her eyes barely open and her thumb resting in her mouth.

"Pretty good I'd say" she chuckled lightly careful not to disturb the sleeping baby.

Wordless she passed her over into Paul's arms, Paul wrapping her in a towel and carefully drying her off.

Then she got out herself and started drying herself off, chuckling softly watching Paul pretend he wasn't staring at her boobs.

Together they got Eloise dressed, keeping her somewhat asleep before tucking her in to bed.

"So" Paul began wiggling an eyebrow in Emma's direction as they quietly exited Eloise's room, "bath time huh?"

Emma rolled her eyes, elbowing her husband at his comment, "she wanted me to join her okay."

Paul smiled, "okay, but I think I might want a bath" he teased, pulling Emma back into him.

Emma grinned, "get in line Paul."

He smirked, "what about right now?"

"You busy?" He added on with a wink.

Emma rolled her eyes again, "I've just had a bath"

Paul grinned, "Who said anything about a bath?"

"I'll get you wet in a different way." He added with a smirk

That left Emma speechless, a gasp of 'Paul' leaving her mouth before wordlessly following him back to their bedroom, taking him up on his offer.

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