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A/N  I don't know about this one, it's a little wordy, yet really short. But enjoy!

Easing back into normal life was hard for all of hatchetfield after the apotheosis.

Emma especially had had to adjust to living with a life long injury, along with chronic pain and the inability to have as much independence as she once had.

But she wasn't alone in this, she now had Paul.

It was probably the only good thing to come from the apocalyptic disaster they went through.

Though it was fast, they had agreed fairly early on to move in together, mainly for Emma's sake.

Being injured as bad as she was, she needed help with many things and living on her own wasn't really an option anymore.

Plus after a world ending situation like the one they just been through, it was nice to not be alone anymore.

It was a hard adjustment for Emma at first, she'd been on her own for so long that living with another person took some warming up to, but after a few days she did have to say that she liked it; liked being with Paul that was.

This morning she'd made a bold choice, deciding that she would go out to and get some sun, as well as try and move around more than she usually would. She'd also decided that morning that she'd wear jeans, something she hadn't done in ages, and something that she now came to regret in this moment.

It had been a long, painful day, and after her outing earlier today she had spent the rest of the day in her wheelchair, her leg in excruciating pain.

She looked up as Paul entered the room.

"Do you mind helping me out of my pants?" She nervously asked.

Undressing herself had been a hard task ever since the accident, but she'd always managed to do it on her own, jeans however were much harder to do by herself.

Paul nodded walking over to her spot on the bed reaching for her pant buttons, beginning to unbutton them.

He hummed as he did, winking as he pulled on the zipper.

"Paul, stop making this weird" Emma groaned

"Sorry" he mumbled back as he continued to ease her pants down in silence, an awkward feeling in the air.

"So how's work going?" He asked hoping to ease the awkwardness.

Emma rolled her eyes, "just stop talking"

"Okay okay"

Emma cried out in pain as he reached the painful part of her leg.

He hushed out comforting words as he did, not sure if it was any help.

Then after an excruciatingly long couple of minutes of pain for Emma and awkwardness for Paul, the pants were off.

Emma sighed in relief.

"Thanks Paul" she smiled up at him.

"No problem" he whispered back.

He was about to walk away when he felt her grip his arm tightly, turning him back around to face her.

"Kiss me? Please?" she added.

He smiled, leaning down to connect their lips quickly.

"I Love you" he whispered once he had pulled back.

Emma smiled, "I love you too, now come and cuddle me." She laughed putting a little pout on her face.

Paul chuckled along with her, "okay, you don't have to ask me twice"

Emma grinned, "I better not" she laughed sarcastically.

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