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A/N  last one was really short (I also didn't keep to my schedule lol) so here's another one.

This is a take on the ending of the guy who didn't like musicals, In which Paul and Emma were both saved, and inevitable is a made up nightmare in Emma's head.

She struggled away from his grasp, only to bump into another alien who held onto her tightly, pushing her along in a rhythmical fashion. she was pushed from one alien to the next somehow finding herself being pushed back in the arms of the man she once loved, as he sung to her in a terrifying fashion.

The once soft blue eyes were now glowing blue, a mirroring colour to the blue slime dripping from his mouth.

She found herself struggling to escape his tight grasp, an excruciating pain shooting up her leg with each sway.

She just had to watch as she had front row seats to her inevitable death, being tossed around person to person, each more terrifying than the last, with slime dripping from mouths, noses, ears, hands, and most terrifying of all the guts that hung out of their bodies.

She could only watch in horror as the song began to die down, the aliens backing her into a corner, with what was once Paul at the centre of it.

Then with a final scream escaping her she felt herself falling to the ground, fully backed into the corner as they all towered over her, knowing it would be the last thing she'd see.

She screamed, not that it'd help her now, as she looked directly into Paul's eyes, hoping he would somehow break out of it and save her, but his eyes only grew bigger with delight.

In a twist of fate he began whispering her name, only taunting her further.

Then it became more panicked, every other noise around her growing quieter until it was just his voice.

Then she opened her eyes, sitting up as soon as she realised she could, then the pain hit her, a whimper escaping her as she clutched her stump, everything slowly coming back to her.

She turned to see him sitting there in his pyjamas, sighing in relief as she put two and two together.

He looked scared, concern written all over his face as he opened his arms to her, silently asking if she was okay.

The tears began to fall down her face as she fell into his arms soft whimpers escaping her.

Paul rubbed her back as she cried, kissing the top of her head as she hiccuped.

She continued to whimper in his arms but slowly began to calm down enough to speak.

"You were- one of them" she whimpered, holding on tighter.

He nodded though she couldn't see him as she clutched onto his shirt, her face buried in it.

"And- you were singing" she sniffily added, though it wasn't really needed, Paul knew exactly what she meant.

He continued to rub her back, the other hand going to push the hair out of her face.

"It's okay, you're safe now." He tried to comfort

"We're safe now" he added.

"Plus. I meant it when I said I'd never be in a fucking musical" she chuckled lightly at this making him smile, but all too soon she frowned again.

"I don't want to live without you" she whimpered, Paul nodded in understanding.

"And you won't" he added reassuringly.

"But what if-" Paul cut her off, pressing a kiss to her lips.

Pulling away he spoke again, "You won't, I'll make sure of it"

Emma nodded hesitantly.

Sensing her hesitance Paul spoke again, "it was a dream okay? We're okay aren't we?"

Emma nodded, "I guess"

Paul smiled pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, "we are"

Emma tucked her head into his chest nodding, "okay" she whispered.

Paul smiled, shuffling down so he could be closer to her, wrapping and tucking the blankets around her comfortingly, watching as she snuggled in deeper.

"Okay" he whispered, closing his eyes once more.

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