Mothers day

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Mothers day in hatchetfield.

Not much different from any other day in hatchetfield for most.

Not even for many mothers, as not many celebrated this day; some would have completely forgotten the day, some didn't want to be mothers and well some were dead.

It was never a day that stood out to Emma. Having an abusive mother that she hated with all her guts didn't help that; but never in a million years would she have thought she would look forward to a single mothers day.

She looked down at her slightly rounded stomach giving it a little rub, "I can't believe next mother's day I will be-" she paused to wipe a tear from her face, "-a mother."

Paul smiled at her placing his hand atop of hers on her stomach, "and an excellent one at that" as if in agreement they both felt the kick from inside the bump.

Paul's grin widened "see they agree." Leaning in closer he laid his head by her stomach, "thanks for keeping me safe and feeding me yummy food mummy." He mimed in a high pitch voice.

Emma bursted out laughing at his act, "you are so dumb."

Settling down from her laughing fit she shook her head, "you're an idiot" she finally added.

Paul chuckled, "yeah, but I'm your idiot."

"Mmm yeah, why did I agree to that?" She laughed.

"I don't know, probably with my... incredibly impressive romantic moves."

Emma shook her head chuckling once more, "I don't know about that buddy. However I do think that those impressive romantic moves did lead to something else."


"Mhmm and I think this thing will just think you're an idiot almost as much as I do."

"No fair, for all you know they might think I'm the coolest person on the planet."

"Well I can see where they're coming from, and you are currently the coolest person on the planet but I think this said thing might give you a run for your money."

Reaching over she patted his cheek teasingly but before being able to pull away Paul clasped his hand around hers suddenly silencing them both.

Emma felt the flutter of her stomach as she looked into his eyes, the same crystal blue ones she fell in love with all those years ago; she loved those eyes, she loved Paul.


Those crystal blue eyes.

How she loved them so much. They held so much meaning to her, they held so much love and they were the kind of eyes she could find herself lost in.

How she had wished and hoped and maybe even prayed that this baby would hold them. And how she had thanked every god out there when she opened her precious little eyes for the first time.

"Did you want syrup?" She was pulled out of her trance by Paul's voice from the other room, she looked back down at her baby to find her still gazing up at her while she nursed peacefully, a little hand resting on Emma's chest.

"Yeah that would be great" she called back bringing her head back down as soon as she was done talking.

And it was then that she was done feeding. Moving her to rest over her shoulder she spoke softly "Hey Ellie, did you have a good breakfast" she smiled as a little burp escaped her. And when she was done she once again adjusted her in her arms, hugging her closer to herself.

"Food delivery incoming." Paul announced himself as he entered their room.

Emma smiled over at him, "once again, you didn't have to make me breakfast." She added with a little frown.

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