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Emma rushed around the house as she hurriedly got ready for work.

She wasn't late per se, just pushing it.

Paul had just been so warm this morning that she didn't want to leave him.

"God dammit. Shit shit shit" she mumbled to herself, as she ran back to get her tie, that she'd forgotten to put on in her rush.

She had messily tied it around her neck as she tried to push her shoes on with just her feet, failing miserable and probably causing her to waste more time trying to fix it.

She shoved a piece of toast in her mouth grabbing her school bag and rushing towards the door.

"Forgetting anything?" Paul called out, stopping her in her tracks and causing her to turn around frustratedly.

She leaned over pressing a kiss to his lips, her lips pursed. "Happy?" She sighed beginning to turn again.

Paul laughed uncertainly, "sure."

"I actually meant these, but thanks" she looked over at him, her eyes falling to his hands full of her phone, wallet and keys.

"Fuck" she exclaimed grabbing them from his hands and shoving them into her bag.

"Thanks" she laughed.

"No problem" he laughed along with her, "have fun at work."

"Always do" she laughed sarcastically.

And within seconds she was out the door.

Paul smiled shaking his head as he continued on getting ready for work himself, what would he do with her?

It was about half an hour later, when Paul was about to leave for work himself, that he received a text from Emma.

He laughed out loud as he read it.

'I forgot to put my assignment in my bag, could you drop it off when you come by beanies later?'

Seconds later a second message came up.

'Please?' She added.

Paul sighed, texting back, 'Sure. Is it on the coffee table?' He asked, vaguely remembering her placing it down there after finishing it.

'Yeah' came her response seconds later.


Paul sighed walking over to find it on the coffee table, 'you owe me one ;)' he texted back, smiling as he waited for her response.

It came about a minute later, 'I'll see what I can do ;)' he choked out a laugh as he read it.

'Okay :)'

'God you're such a dork'



'I love you'

He waited for her response nervously, smiling when she reciprocated his message.

'Okay I need to go, but I'll see you soon' he regretfully texted her.

'Yeah me too. Zoey's going to kill me in a second'

Paul laughed, 'I'll remember you fondly' he texted back, receiving a laughing emoji in response.

Then it fell silent, he waited a moment on the off chance she'd text again, but as the screen remained still he finally sighed, pushing his phone into his pocket and grabbing his keys to head out the door.


Paul shoved his hands further into his pockets as he blissfully walked the distance from his office to beanies.

He never particularly liked walking, but knowing he would see Emma in a few short minutes always put a spring in his step.

A small sigh escaped his lips as he entered the building, his body adjusting itself to the slightly warmer cafe, from the cold weather outside.

The familiar bell of the door opening rang, causing Emma, who stood by the counter to look up at him with a smile, which he returned.

"Hi" he whispered once he was closer.

"Hey" she smiled back at him, "same as usual I'm assuming?"

Paul shook his head with a goofy smile, "actually I might try something different today"

Emma laughed, "yeah right" she smiled, a mutual joke being shared between the two.

Emma couldn't help grinning widely as she began making his order, preparing his order like second nature, while watching out of the corner of her eye as he placed the same bill as always in the tip jar.

"So how's work going today?" She asked, striking up conversation easily.

She looked over her shoulder to see him shrug, "same old."

"No tea today" he laughed.

Emma pouted, sliding the prepared black coffee over the counter, "aw man, how will I go on with my day without it?"

Paul laughed lightly, gently picking up the hot cup from the counter, sighing as he took a sip.

"I needed this, It's fucking cold out there today"

Emma laughed, "yeah fucking tell me about it" she vaguely gestured down at her uniform.

Paul shook his head, "I don't know how you do it. But I'm glad you do" he winked.

"Damn Matthews, smooth today." She laughed.

"I'm glad someone's enjoying it at least" she added with a shake of the head.

Paul smiled at her for a moment, taking in all her beauty.

He moved his bag over his shoulder preparing to go when he remembered why he brought it with him in the first place.

"Oh shoot" he laughed pulling the bag back down and opening it up to reveal a folder.

"Almost forgot" he added as he handed it over.

Emma laughed, "oh yeah" she'd clearly forgotten about it also.

"We can't have two forgetful people in the relationship" she laughed.

Emma smiled over at him as she held her assignment in her hands, "Thanks Paul"

He simply nodded in reply, sadly knowing this would be the end of their encounter.

"Okay, well I'll see you later then" he smiled.

Emma nodded sadly, "love you" she whispered so only he could hear.

"I love you too" he whispered back, softly pressing his lips to hers, saying all their goodbyes in one simple action.

OkayOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant