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A/N  Hi, sorry I stopped uploading for a little bit, I've been really sick (I know super ironic since this one shot is about Emma being sick), I am still sick right now and it sucks so I might space my uploads out, but who knows? Anyway enjoy!

Paul hadn't been able to sleep much that night, continuously tossing and turning as his brain anxiously thought about anything and everything but sleep.

It must have been like 3am when he finally lay still in a light sleep, not ideal, but better than nothing.

But it was short lived as he woke to the sound of horrible retching.

He immediately turned to his right where Emma usually lay to find her side of the bed empty, the sheets carelessly thrown to the side.

"Emma" he called out, loud enough to be heard from the ensuite but quiet enough to not disturb their daughter who slept just a room over.

A groaned mumble was all he got in response.

"You okay?" He asked gently, making his way over to the small ensuite.

"Yeah" she began to say but immediately threw up again after. "I don't feel great" she added once she had cleared her throat.

He gave her a sad smile, "I can see that."

Sitting on the floor next to her he pulled her hair out of the way as she began to spew again, his other hand on her back rubbing little circles assuringly.

When it seemed to slow down she leaned back into his chest, it was then that he noticed the tears in her eyes.

"I don't like this" she mumbled into his chest, allowing him to continue comforting her.

"I know baby" he leaned down to kiss her forehead, not liking how hot it felt.

Emma had embraced her small stature using it to her advantage as she pulled herself fully into Paul's lap, letting him hold her like a small child.

There he gently rocked her in his arms, humming comforting words to her.

She held on to him like he was her lifeline, her head resting on his chest, occasionally looking up into his eyes to find them looking directly back at hers, never leaving her.

"Why don't we go back to bed" he murmured to which she nodded, "okay."

Emma slipped off his lap standing up herself before latching back onto his body for him to carry her back to bed.

Paul didn't comment on her clinginess just mindlessly carrying her over towards the bed where he dropped her off, tucking her in with a kiss.

"Do you want anything?" he asked.

Emma shook her head, then nodded, "Sleep with me?"

"Okay" he murmured sleepily wandering around to his side of the bed, where he slid in himself.

Emma clutched on to him almost immediately, turning herself towards him so that she could bury her face into his chest.

Paul smiled to himself draping an arm over her body to pull her closer to him, if that was even possible.

There they both finally fell asleep for the night.


Paul woke with a start to the sounds of coughing, which he realised almost immediately was coming from Emma who he now noticed had moved off of his chest.

He quickly sat up patting his hand against her back gently until the cough had died down, before moving on to rubbing.

"You okay?" He asked.

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