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Having a baby was never something Emma or Paul thought they'd have, for different reasons of course. Emma didn't think she'd ever want one, while Paul didn't think he'd ever get the chance.

But life doesn't always work out how you think.

Of course now they both couldn't imagine life any differently, with a loving partner and child they both loved more than anything, besides maybe each other.

But the funny thing about babies that neither of them ever really thought about, is that they grow up, into their own little person, with cheeky little personalities.

"Eloise Jane Perkins-Matthews, what are you doing?" Emma exasperatedly called out as she spotted the almost one year old pulling herself up the shelves of the pantry.

Eloise turned herself around as her mother spoke, giggling cheekily at her as her dad came running into the room.

Paul shot Emma an apologetic look as he picked up the small toddler, who snuggled into her father as if nothing had just happened.

"Holy shit she's fast" he couldn't help but laugh, rolling his eyes at the situation.

"Yeah" Emma chuckled along with him, "only a week of walking and she's already causing mischief."

Paul shook his head disapprovingly, yet he still wore a smile on his face, "I turn my back for one second and she's gone" he laughed bouncing the small girl in his arms, who had already had enough of being held and was wiggling in his arms trying to get him to put her down.

"We really need to get some baby gates" Emma mused, "I don't think this will be the last of it."


Paul nodded along absentmindedly at his computer screen, only partially listening to Mr Davidson as he spoke about some new product. He thought about what was going on in the room over, where Emma and Eloise were probably playing together, Eloise babbling along adorably as she did.

He was pulled from these thoughts by the girl herself, waddling into the room, babbling what sounded like dada.

He couldn't help but break out into a wide smile, forgetting that he was on a business call, and not on mute at that, he called out to her, bending down to her level and holding out his arms for her to come crashing into.

"Dada!" Eloise grinned, dragging out the a.

"Hi bubba" Paul grinned back, bouncing her in his arms as he picked her up.

"Hey Elle" a chorus of voices spoke from his computer, suddenly pulling him back into reality.

"Cha', bil', mel'" Eloise listed off excitedly as she pointed at the screen and each respective person.

Paul smiled as his daughter listed off his coworkers and friends, "can you say hi to everyone?" He asked, giving a little kiss to her forehead.

"Hewo" Eloise waved at the screen, receiving waves and another chorus of hello's from everyone in return.

"Hey Emma" he heard Melissa say, suddenly making him realise Emma was standing behind him.

"Hey" she spoke, resting her hand on his shoulder as she looked at everyone on the screen. "Sorry we disrupted your meeting, this one has been causing so much ruckus" she chuckled, pointing at Eloise who was still In Paul's arms holding onto his jumper with a death grip, probably in fear of being taken from him.

A few of his coworkers chuckled at that, continuing to smile and look on adoringly at the small girl.

"That's alright Emma" Mr Davidson, Paul's boss spoke up. "How's she been? Just turned one I believe."

"She's good, though we're clearly getting into the toddlerhood, so you'll have to wish us luck with that one" Emma smiled as she spoke about her baby.

"Anyway I should leave you to it, come on Elle lets leave dad to his meeting" she reached out and lifted her from Paul's arms, the small girl throwing a little fit as she was taken from her dad's arms.

"I know" Emma sympathised with her, "he'll be done soon okay"

Paul smiled sadly as they left the room again, she was right though, he would be done soon and now he had even more to look forward to afterwards.

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