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A/N  Another short one, but Eloise is here again!

Eloise ran ahead of them not slowing down until she was in the middle of the sand.

Allowing Paul and Emma who followed her, less enthusiastic, with handfuls of beach shit in their arms, to finally catch up with their daughter.

"Let's go" she shouted enthusiastically trying to pull them both towards the ocean.

They laughed at her enthusiasm dropping the stuff in their arms down where they stood.

"Okay okay, in a minute." Paul spoke first.

"Yeah, and we still need to put on sunscreen remember" Emma added.

Eloise pouted, "fine, but can we hurry? I wanna swim"

Emma smiled, "okay come over here baby."

As she put sunscreen on Eloise, Paul did the same thing to himself, and once finished took her down to the water, Emma stayed behind to set up their stuff then joined them shortly after.

They started off with the baby waves, Paul and Emma holding Eloise's hands as they waited for the water to rush over their feet, occasionally lifting her up into the air to avoid the water, making the small girl giggle with glee that then sent Paul and Emma into laughing fits also.

They then went a little further in, Paul holding onto Eloise so she was above water, ducking down so only their heads were out of the water and then jumping up as the waves came crashing towards them, laughter ringing out each time.

Emma watched on with a smile, loving her little family with all her heart.

She stayed with them for a little while watching on as they played, laughing along with them with each wave, but as she stood there in the water only half of her body in, she began to shiver from the coldness of the water.

So she made her way back over to their stuff, pulling open a portable beach lounge chair they for some reason had, as well as a towel.

She dried herself off, still watching Paul and Eloise from afar, smiling as she recognised the hysterical laughing face of her daughter to the loving one of Paul's.

Sighing she grabbed out a book and sat down, looking up one last time to see them still in the water having a great time.

Getting lost in her book she didn't notice at first when Eloise showed back up in front of her

"Dad says he has something to show you" Eloise stated grabbing her hand to take her to him.

"Oh does he now?" She laughed, following her daughters lead.

"Here" she stated once they reached their destination, Paul standing just in front of them with a stick in his hand.

"P hearts E" she read out loud rolling her eyes as she did, "you're so stupid."

Leaning down she picked Eloise up as she made grabby hands up at her.

"Can you say dad's a nerd?" She asked the girl in her arms.

"Daddy's a nerd" without hesitation Eloise echoed her mother's words giggling as she did.

Paul pouted, "come on Elle you've betrayed me."

Eloise only shrugged making both of her parents laugh.

"Anyway, there are many more fun things to do at the beach. Did your dad teach you how to make a sandcastle?" She asked, Eloise shook her head.

"Well then we've got a lot of work to do, let's go" she laughed dropping her down to the ground and running back to their pile of stuff, "last one there is a rotten egg" she called back to them, watching as they both made a run for it.

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