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Emma subconsciously brought a palm to her face as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

It had to have been quite early in the morning, as the sun was only just beginning to rise. But as if in a fairytale, or some kind of sick joke the gods were pulling on Emma, the few patches of sun that were shining through the blinds shone right onto Emma's face.

She instinctively reached out an arm for Paul, but found her arm hitting the discarded sheets.

She was still half asleep as her mind went through it's inner thoughts. Paul must've already left for work she thought to herself.

Wait why wasn't she at work then?

She opened her eyes to the sun still in her eyes.

Oh that's right she was on maternity leave, they had just had a baby.

Fuck, they have a baby.

She was wide awake now, frantically getting up to look for her baby, but not finding her in her bassinet.

Then as she woke up fully, her brain connected the dots and she calmed down a little. It made sense why Paul was missing now, he must be with the baby. It didn't eliminate all the fear inside of her though.

Throwing on a discarded robe she made her way out of their room, deciding to ease her stress a little she went to look for Paul and their newborn daughter.

She didn't need to go far though, as she found them resting on the couch.

They were both fast asleep, Paul's head being tossed back in a way that didn't look incredibly comfortable, but he looked exhausted so she didn't make any move to wake him.

Eloise looked absolutely adorable resting on her fathers chest, comically small compared to her father.

Her thumb was loosely hanging from her opened mouth, both pressed up against Paul's sweatshirt, drool stains already making an appearance on it. Her other hand also rest on his chest, grabbing hold of a bunch of his top in her fist, subconsciously squeezing it as if it were some kind of stress ball.

Emma smiled softly at the sight, god she loved her little family.

She made her way to the couch next to them, resting her head against Paul's shoulder and placing a hand softly on Eloise's back.

They both nuzzled into her touch but stayed asleep, leaving the three to rest peacefully for a few more hours, or at least until Eloise got hungry. 

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