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"Share a cabin?"

"Yeah, just because you are the only girl in the camp doesn't mean you will get a cabin for yourself, you will have a cabin mate"

You roll your eyes at the camp counsellor.

"I already share a dorm with a boy, I'm just wondering who is my cabin mate?"


You breathe hitches, noticing immediately the familiar voice.

You turn around to see Claude behind you with a smile on his face, holding yours and his bags over his shoulders as if they weigh nothing.

"Have fun with your cabin mate"

The counsellor says, before walking out and leaving you all alone with the blond who's already walking to his new bed.

"Listen, I know that you are uncomfortable with having me as your cabin mate" you look at him silently as he continues.

"But I promise to respect your privacy"

"I will also respect your privacy"

You two stay silent afterwards, not having anything to say to each other.

While unpacking your things, Claude would turn every once in a while to stare at you.

He wonders if it is too late for him to confess his feelings to you.

To be honest, if he was treated that badly, he would probably also reject himself.

But, considering the stories he read so far where a girl falls in love with the guy who bullies her the whole story.

It gives Claude some hope that you might date him.

It's not like he is going to give you a choice in that matter anyways.

"Do you want to hang out by the lake this afternoon?"

You turn to him, confused by the sudden friendly offer.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind at all"

You don't know what made you accept his offer.

Maybe it is the fact that there's no internet in the woods and you would be bored to death if you spend the afternoon alone in the cabin.


Maybe you just don't have dignity, going out with a boy who spread false nudes of you around the school.

Nevertheless, all your thoughts melt away when he gives you a huge smile.

"Great, I'm excited"

Suddenly, Claude's friend, Vincent enters the cabin.

"Hurry up man, we have some wood to collect" Vincent's eyes then lands on you.

"Yeah, let's go"

Claude walks past his friend outside, while Vincent gives you a spiteful look.

"Stupid slut"

Your mouth drops in shock, but before you reply to his insult, he leaves.

However, you don't let that pass without revenge.

You follow him outside angerily, shouting his name.


The said boy looks at you, and before he knows it, you slap him across the face, shocking Claude.

"The next time you insult me, I will fucking punch you" you spat.

Thinking that this cleared things off, you decided to go inside.

But one of the counsellors stops you, he looks to be in his mid-twenties with dark and green eyes.

You think he introduced himself as Archer.

"Young lady, this behaviour is unacceptable" you narrow your eyes at the man.

"He insulted me"

Claude glares at his friend as a sign that they will have a 'conversation' later.

Archer stands right in front of you with crossed arms, he leans towards you.

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen" you reply.

"Then act your fucking age, girls are not allowed to speak back to men" every word is filled with venom.

Making you realise that you are going to deal with a misogynist.

𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐰𝐚𝐩| Dark Genderbend! Harem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now