The incident

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(Mention of self harm and suicide attempt)

After the escape the trio had been living as normal lives as they could. The group had been going to a high school. Ray was being bullied by the school jocks due to the fact he was "different" from the other two who were part of the popular group. Emma spent most of her time with them whereas Norman divided his time with the popular group and spending time with Ray. This has been going on for a over a year now and to say ray wanted it to end was an understatement.

It was lunchtime and Norman went to go hang out with Ray but ray wasn't anywhere to be found. Norman sighed and text Emma to say he was heading out before going towards Ray's house which was only a 10 minute walk.

Norman arrived to rays house and knowing his mum wasn't home so knocked on the door and don't get a response so knocked again hearing the  water running so tried the doorbell. Again, nothing. He sighed before reaching into his backpack and grabbed the spare key he was given and opened the door before rushing to the bathroom. He noticed the door lock so knocked and shouted through the door for ray to open up. Ray didn't respond so Norman knew the best thing would be to call Isabella and explained the situation. She rushed home and told Norman to head back to school and she will update him on everything, he reluctantly agreed and headed back.

Norman had chemistry last period and couldn't focus, he nervously bounced his leg luckily managing to answer questions correctly. He heard his phone buzzing and bit the inside of his cheek debating whether to check it secretly or not but decided to knowing he's stress more not knowing what it was. He got his phone and saw Isabella was calling so muttered before waiting for the task to start and going to ask the teacher if he could go outside and call her back.

"Sir I would never normally ask something like, however Ray's mother has called me and she wouldn't unless it's important"

"Norman it's school hours can it wait?"

"I would say yes but I haven't seen ray since lunch and he hasn't said anything about why he's left so she's probably calling to tell me what's happened"

"Fine but only this once"

Norman thanked the teacher and ran out the class room and called her back. Nervously waiting as he heard the ringing. She finally answered

"Hey Isabella sorry for not answering immediately I had chemistry but don't worry I've asked if I can call you back"

"As long as you had permission, look hun I don't want to stress you out anymore but he's in the hospital"

"Wha- why? Is he okay? What happened?"

"He's okay don't worry. It might be easier for me to explain when you're with us.  Just finish you're lesson and then come down to the hospital that's down your road"

"Alright I will"

She ended the call and Norman went back to the lesson and tired to not show that he was upset. Staying sat in the lesson and quickly finishing his worksheets in silence and seeing they had five minutes before the lesson ended so he slowly packed up and waited till we could leave.

It was home-time and Norman raced to the hospital and when he got there he asked where Ray was and waited to be able to see him. He waited for Isabella to come collect him and the two walked silently before she broke it

"I still haven't told you, Ray sadly tried to take his life but I have to thank you as if you didn't come to ours and called me he wouldn't have made it."

"Oh- I'm sorry to hear that, I guess the bullying and being the outcast got too much for him"

"Bullying? I knew he didn't socialise much but I didn't know he was being bullied"

"He didn't Tell you? The past year it's been going on"

"Oh gosh the poor thing, well thank you for letting me know"

We got to the room ray was in and I walked in seeing him attached to a oxygen mask and a few other medical equipment keeping him alive. He had a heart monitor and I sighed in relief when it was beating at a normal rate. His mum smiled allowing Norman to sit with Ray alone, the albino haired boy sat with Ray fighting tears as he watched the boy he was crushing on so badly was in the hospital. He carefully held rays hand as he sat with him. Norman mumbled at ray and confessed his feeling knowing Ray wouldn't hear what he said.

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