Going home

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Norman slowly start to wake up the next morning and saw he was curled against Ray, a light brush coming across his face. He stayed where he was as to not wake the latter and just admired how peaceful Ray looked. Norman smiled slightly seeing rays mum was awake as well. She smiled back at me before speaking

" I've let your mum know that if you're not home today you're staying with us but that doesn't mean you have to"

"Thank you, I'll see what Ray wants when he wakes because if he'd rather be alone then I'll let him"

"Of course sweetie but I'm sure he won't say no unless he's in a real foul mood"

The boy laughed a little at what his lover's mother said and nodded in agreement, sitting up and carefully getting off the bed to stretch his back seeing Ray just waking up.

"Morning Ray"

"Morning Nor-" he got cut off in sentence by a yawn and laughed a little, blushing at the huff face he pulled. "Shh it's early for me"

"It's like 9 in the morning"

"I wake up at 10 earliest on weekends"

"Oh fair, um your mum offered for me to stay with you today but I wanted to make sure you are okay with that?"

"Of course I am, I always tell you as long as it's not too early you can always come around"

Norman smiled at Ray and helped him up, Isabella had collected Ray's stuff so it was just a case of leaving the hospital. She signed Ray out and they headed home both boys sat in the back. After 10 minutes of the drive Norman saw Ray falling asleep so whispered to him

"You can rest against me if you want, I can tell you're still tired"

"No it's fine, I'll be fine"

"Ray I don't mind"

"I'll be fine Norman but thanks for the offer"

Norman nodded and let Ray do what he wanted, the three arrived at the house and Isabella opened the door. The two boys walked in after her, Ray led Norman to his bedroom stopping on the way so the black haired boy could pick up his cat who was sat in the hallway.  The two sat on rays bed, Norman laughed loudly when Ray frowned as his cat raced out the room the minute she was placed down.

"Wow that's offensive"

"She probably heard the food packets"

"Still- offensive"

"If you say so" Norman smiled at Ray before leaning against him, Ray moved his arm so he could put it around Norman smiling at the boy. "Ray you should smile more you look cute"

"Not in public, I hate the attention it brings when I smile"

"How about when it's just us two?"

"Sure" Ray couldn't help but smiled more at how excited Norman got, having to brace himself when the albino boy threw himself onto Ray to hug him. Ray managed to catch him in time so the two didn't fall backwards, Norman curled into his boyfriend and the two sat in silence before being called for lunch, Norman got up so Ray could and they walked down to the dining room and sat down for food. Both boys thanked Ray's mother for the meal and they started to eat, once finished out of habit Ray got up to collect the dishes.

"Ray you don't need to do that today go spend time with Norman"

Ray nodded and waited for Norman about to go to his room before having an idea so turned to Norman "would you want to go to the park for a bit?"

"Sure sounds like a great idea"


"Yes Ray you can go to the park just be back by 4 okay?"

"Got it"

both boys grabbed their shoes before walking to the park, both just talking and laughing about whatever came to mind. They got to the park and found a tree to sit under for a bit before Ray had an idea so started to climb it to see how sturdy and how far up it went watching Norman just stand at the bottom.

"Ray I can't climb trees! Are you really just going to go up there and leave me here?"

"No I'll help you, I'm just seeing how tall it is"

"Mhm sure"

Ray started to climb down pulling Norman up onto the first branch, both boys stayed sat on the branch. Norman lay against Ray, his head on rays chest, and the latter wrapped his arms around Norman. They both sat in a comfortable silence. Norman moved himself looking up at Ray before quietly asking

"Could I kiss you?"

"You want to kiss me?"

"Not so loudly Ray!"

"Awe are you embarrassed but you can if you want to"

"I'm not it's just- oh okay" Norman moved closer to Ray. Their faces inches away, Norman started to hesitate so Ray cupped his boyfriends face and pulled him in for a kiss, holding it for a few seconds before pulling away. Laughing when Norman hid his face in rays chest.

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