body dysphoria

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Ray woke up to see Norman had already gotten up, the latter was stood in front of the mirror staring at himself and looking upset. Ray got up and hugged Norman from behind, kissing his cheek.

"What's wrong Nor?"

"Ray, morning. Nothing it's fine"

"Hm? If it's nothing why do you look upset? I just want to help you"

"It's just- I'm just feeling dysphoric because" Norman sighed before mumbling "because you have such a great body and I don't"

"What can I do to help then? And what was that last part?"

Norman pushed Ray off and sighed in slight anger "you look fucking perfect with you're muscles and abs. Then there's me! I'm nothing like that, I'm weak and have stomach fat"

"Norman you're perfect the way you are okay? You don't have to have a toned  body and abs and whatever else you see as a perfect body to be perfect"

"But- Ray it's just, I look at you and I feel self conscious"

"We can work on helping that and I'm only got the body I do because of the job I've been doing"

"Oh? That kinda helps knowing you haven't just been working out and it's more a job requirement but what do you do?"

"Well at the minute I do dog walking but I'm training to maybe work as a firefighter"

"Oh that makes sense but...."

"If you still feel self conscious why don't we find a way for you to not anymore?"

"Sure" Norman smiled before hugging Ray and burying his face in Ray's chest, wrapping his arms around the taller boy. Ray put his arms around Norman and smiled at him kissing his head. Norman smirked before moving his hands to get under Ray's shirt, the latter felt Norman's left hand across his chest and blushed a bright red.


"Shhh, you love it. You're bright red"

"Well- I'm just shocked you did that"

"Sure sure"

Norman stared at Ray with loving eyes wanting to do something but was unsure whether to, he kept a smirk as he asked Ray

"Ray? Could I- um-"

"Could you?"

"Well I wanted to like feel across your body and just sort of understand where you like to be held so I don't make you uncomfortable"

"You could just ask me you know?"

"Yea but I want to figure out what I'm comfortable with as well"

"How about I tell you and you hold those"

"Oh sure"

"I don't mind my waist, chest or thighs being held and then of course the normal things like hands and face are fine too"

"Okay thanks!" Norman smiled at Ray before kissing his neck "oh I should tell you for me it's only fair. I'm fine with waist and the normal stuff, legs I'm iffy about and torso is a big no"

Ray nodded and moved his arms to make sure Norman was more comfortable "alright I'll be aware of that"

"Oh totally irrelevant but did you see the Message you got last night?"

"No which one?"

"The one from Emma"

"Oh the one about her being like 'he liked me first and he's only being with you cuz he feels bad'"

"Yea, I'm not just so you know"

"I know I mean you confessed first and plus she's just being jealous"

Norman smiled and nuzzled into Ray, rapidly moving away when he heard someone coming upstairs. Ray looked confused before hearing the footsteps so moved to his bag to pretend he was looking for clothes while Norman went through his wardrobe. Norman's dad entered the room and the white haired boy internally sighed

"You didn't tell me Ray was staying over, just hurry up we are taking you boys out for the door. Your mother is demanding it"

"Yea I'm just finding something now"

"Well then find it faster" Norman nodded and just grabbed a somewhat matching outfit. His dad left and Norman sighed in relief.

"Hey if we need to hurry do you want me to grab you some clothes since I know you're style and you can start to get ready? I won't come into the bathroom I'll just leave by the door?"

"Oh- yea if that's okay and it's fine you can come if needed I'm not too fussed"

"I'll grab you something and just slip in through the door then"

Norman grabbed a towel and went to his en suite to shower. Ray nodded and went to grab an outfit for Norman checking the temperature seeing it was fairly warm so grabbed some pants with the option of shirts and just a shirt that suited the options, slipping into the bathroom before grabbing something himself. Ray ended up picking some black ribbed jeans with a  vest top and sleeveless jacket.

Once both boys were dressed they headed downstairs and had breakfast. Ray notified Norman looked worried so made a mental to ask him later in private. Norman's mum brought up she was taking the boys out along with their old friend Emma. Norman smiled and agreed it would be fun, Ray went along with it not wanting to sound or be ungrateful.

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