Final chaoter- 5 years later

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The two boys have been dating for 5 years now and it was their 5th year anniversary, they went out for dinner and after that went to the park where they went to on their first day. Sitting under the tree, Ray pulled a box out of his pocket and placed it in Norman's hand. The latter felt the object and turned to look at it before looking at ray.

"Go on then Open it"

Norman did as ray said, gasping in joy when he saw the ring inside.

"Ray are you-"

"Proposing yea I am"

"I'm glad you are but I wanted to myself"

"Nope you asked me on the first day, I ask you to marry me"

"Well still I will"

"Good I'm glad"

Ray kissed Norman and the two sat under the tree for a while just enjoying each other's presence.

Both boys are now happily married and live in two bedroom house with the few cats Ray demanded they adopt, they live down the street to Emma and the trio go out on a camping trip every summer.

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