Staying the night

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After the trio watched another film and got ready for bed they had to figure out where everyone would sleep. Emma had a double bed so offered someone shared it with her which then started who would share? Ray said Norman should share since he was fine on the floor and also will more likely stay awake for longer so it means Emma won't be disturbed however Norman said Ray should share since him and Emma were like siblings so there wouldn't be a chance of any one developing a crush by accident.
"Norman I get you're point but I'm as straight as a circle so that won't happen"

"Okay fair but still you never know"

"Why don't I sleep on the floor then?"

"No it's your house Emma so one of us will have the floor, and I will sleep on the floor you can share with Norman"

"Ray you should share though, it's only fair"

"How about a random generator?"

"Smart idea Emma, the person the generator picks will share"

Emma set up a generator and rolled the wheel seeing it land on Ray, Norman smirked at him and Ray just sighed

"Alright fine, I'll share. Still think Norman should"

"Nope the wheel has spoken now let's get some rest?"

"Yup!" Emma jumped into bed and Ray sat down in the empty spot, Norman settled on the floor near Ray. The trio got relaxed said good night and turned the lights off.

Ray woke up halfway through the night seeing Emma had rolled onto him and Norman curled against himself his phone turned face down and silently crying. Ray pushed Emma off himself and sat next to Norman. The two silently whispering

"Hey Nor, what's up?"

"Ray...? It's- it's nothing"

Ray cupped Norman's face getting him to face himself, wiping the tears from his boyfriend's face and wrapping his arms around him.

"It's not. You don't have to tell if you aren't ready but at least let me help you relax okay?"

"Okay.." Norman sat silently curled into Ray's chest.

After a few minutes Norman pointed at his phone and whispered again "look at the messages with my dad and you'll understand"

Ray nodded kissing Norman's forehead and lifted his phone, having to pass it to Norman for him to open it. Once the phone was open Norman passed it back to Ray and went back to almost crying and hiding in Ray after seeing another message come through. Ray sat and scrolled through the messages, starting to go speechless and feeling angered and annoyed at what he had just read. He saw another message come through and turned his attention when Norman spoke

"Has he text again?"

"Yea he has"

"Oh... what's he said?"

"Something you don't want to hear.... I'm so sorry Norman. I didn't know you dad was homophobic"

"He is, I just didn't want to tell him and hurt him"

"No Norman you shouldn't have to feel like that with anyone let alone your parents."

"I know but just what does the message say"

"He's telling you to fix you ways or get our"

"....oh" Ray heard Norman's voice crack about to cry again so held him closer.

"Norman if you gena my phone from the desk, text Isa and ask her if you can live with us and if you want me to I'll text your dad back"

"Wait really? Wait Ray no I don't want to be burden"

"You won't be"

"Alright and just leave it with my dad"

"If you say so" Ray put Norman's phone down and passed Norman his phone

"Why don't you text her?"

"You can explain the situation better and she will listen more to you then she will be" Ray sat back down on the bed since Norman pushed him away. Norman laughed a little when Emma immediately grabbed Ray in her sleep and tried to roll with him before muttering a "fuck you" because he wouldn't move.

After a few minutes, Isa responded and by Norman's reaction Ray could figure out what she had said.

"I'm guessing she said yes" Norman nodded at him still smiling. "That's good, tomorrow come home with me then"

"What about clothes and stuff I'll need?"

"If it's not in your backpack, clothes you can borrow mine and Isa will more then happily go on a spoil shopping spree with you. Where she will let you get an £80 jacket if you want but if I want a £5 shirt she will tell me to stop being such an expensive child"

"She cares so much for you"

"She does, doesn't she? But no I get her point as in spoiling you and the focus should be on you that one day"

"Alright and again thank you"

"Don't need to thank me at all. Now do you want me to come sit with you?"

"Could you?"

"Of course"

"Also Norman now that I'm more used to use dating, if you want I guess I could get used to using pet names if you want to"

"Really?! Thanks.....babe"

"'s fine" Ray moved to sit next to him, Norman immediately moved to lie against Ray so the latter lay down so Norman could use him as a pillow. "Night"

"Night Nor"

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