A little bit of spice

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(This chapter has like remember they are both 16 now)

They finally got back and Ray grabbed both his and Norman's bag and led Norman to his room not that he needed it. Norman had been offered the spare room but said he'd prefer to stay with Ray if that was okay and everyone said it was fine.

The boys sat in Ray's room just chilling and watching a film. Norman smirked while Ray was distracted and placed his hand on Ray's inner thigh, Ray lightly blushed and turned his attention to his boyfriend. Noticing the smirk on Norman's face, Ray gave in to what he was doing. Norman pushed Ray to be lying down before crawling on top of him and making out with him. After a few minutes Norman bit Ray's lower lip for entrance and ray allowed it. The two fought for dominance and Norman quietly moaned when Ray won. The dark haired boy carefully grabbed Norman and flipped the two over holding Norman down. The two broke away for air and Norman smiled at Ray, slightly breathless and shocked by how easily he went submissive. Ray smirked back at Norman and moved off of him and sat on his bed again. The white haired boy huffed wanting attention again so crawled into Ray's lap, the latter made sure Norman was comfy before giving him a few neck kisses. Norman blushed bright red at this, a massive smile plastered on his face, Ray placed his head on Norman's shoulder and they continued to watch the film.

The film finished and Norman grabbed his phone to start playing music for the both to just chill to, Ray got up to stretch his legs but also grabbed a book to read, Norman huffed at Ray and so grabbed one of the books Ray had on his bookshelf and started to read as well.

The two sat in silence for a while as they read, Norman saw ray finish the book within an hour and stared at him in disbelief.


"How did you finish the book so fast!"

"I'm a quick reader"

"That was super fast though" Norman put his book down and moved to lie across Ray, fiddling with his boyfriend's fringe. He jumped up having an idea and searched in his bag for something grabbing out some hair clips. Ray gave him a questioning look before realising what Norman wanted to do so stood up so the latter couldn't reach. After a while of playful bickering, Ray gave in and let Norman clip his fringe back which resulted in Norman taking many photos and smothering Ray's face that was usually hidden in kisses.

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