A week later

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It's been a week since the whole thing with Ray, the raven haired boy had woken up and was caught up on what happened. Norman spent all his spare time with Ray, Emma would visit on the weekends if she wasn't with her group. Ray didn't seem to mind in fact he preferred Norman's company. Norman once tried to bring catch up work for Ray, the second day after he had woken up, which just ended in the latter pretending he was too ill to understand it and from that day onwards Norman decided to leva the schoolwork and just catch up Ray up on the school drama. Ray didn't actually care about it but he loved watching how enthusiastic Norman got when telling him so he would ask for it just for that reason.  

It's been a week since Norman told ray his feelings as well and Ray wanted to tell him he felt the same way but always  felt unsure about how to tell him let alone bring it up to discuss. The raven haired boy and his mum were informed he could leave the next day and he was only staying on more night just to ensure he had made a full recovery, Norman asked if he could stay the night and was allowed to as long as he is careful and respects rays boundaries. Norman nodded in agreement and sat next to Ray, Isabella stayed with him. The two sat in silence before Norman had a question 

"hey Isabella do you think it would be an issue if I carefully lay next to Ray"

"I mean as long as you're careful about it and don't get too in the way I'm share it'll be fine"

"yes of course i'll be careful"

The snowy barked boy carefully sat next to Ray on the bed just sitting for a bur while he got used to it and also in vase Ray was awake be was aware of what was happening. Norman was about to lie down when the raven haired boy started to wake up so Norman sat back up and went o move off the bed. 

"you're fine there Norman and before you ask no you didnt wake me"

"oh cool and thanks I always worry"

"every time, you- if you wanted to lie down you can"

Norman nodded before lying down giving Ray some space, Ray gave a slight glance at his mum with a smile and she got the hint hat he wanted to talk to Norman... Privately. She smiled back and made an excuse to leave, Ray waited a few minutes before speaking up. 

"Norman that thing you said a week ago, is it true?" 

"which one? I said a lot"

"about how you feel about me?"

"wait you mean the whole 'i love you' you heard that? Oh gosh that's super embarrassing I didn't know you were awake" 

Ray chuckled before cutting Norman off. " yes I heard it but I feel the same way. If i'm honest its part of the reason i'm bullied because people know i'm gay, they don't know I like you so don't blame yourself because id hate for you to do that"

Norman beamed brightly Ray "oh I see but on the bright side we both feel the same way and I was wondering if you would want to be boyfriends?"

Ray sat speechless, just a large smile plastered on to his face. Ray nodded in response and hesitated before placing his arm around Norman. The two boys lay next to each other in a comfortable silence. Norman curled against Ray, wrapped in his boyfriend's arms with his head in the crook of Ray's neck, giving off  yawn. The latter made sure his boyfriend was comfortable, noticing him tired, he softly smiled 

"sleep if you need to, it is starting to get late"

"you're just saying that you only just woke up" a sleepy Norman responded, practically half asleep anyway

"that's because I slept after lunch so ive been asleep all afternoon"

When Ray didnt get a response he carefully moved so he could check if Norman fell asleep (which be had) so Ray stayed silent and waited for his mum to return. 

After a while she came back and sat down the room, the two quietly talked for a while and Ray told her it went well with Norman but not to tell anyone. She chuckled at this but agreed for their sake and not too long after that Ray found himself drifting off to sleep, still having a protective but gentle grip on Norman.

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