sleepover fun

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The two boys got comfy in Norman's room after getting dressed, Norman put a random movie on more for background noise. Ray started to watch the film noticing Norman curling closer to him so put his arms around his boyfriend. Norman decided to move sitting up before realising Ray may not be comfortable with that so reluctantly stayed where he was however Ray picked up on this

"Hey what was that about?"

"I just wanted to do something but I don't think you'd be comfy so thought it would be best to leave it"

"What was it?"

"Oh- I just wanted to sit between your legs and lie my head on your chest"

Ray laughed before moving himself slightly "go ahead"

"Wait really?!"

"Yea of course"

Norman moved to sit how he wanted to giving off a happy sigh as he lay listening to Ray's heart beat. Ray wrapped his arms around Norman and kissed his forehead. Both boys quietly chatted for a while before Norman kissed Ray on the lips. The two made out a little Norman biting Ray's lip for entrance. Ray slightly pulled back and Norman looked at him worried

"No it's fine Norman you haven't done anything wrong, it's just I don't want things to move to fast"

"Oh right of course" he placed his head back against Ray and his boyfriend ruffled his hair. Norman smiled at Ray wrapping his arms around his boyfriends neck. He chuckled before pushing Ray to be lying down and smiled at him. Ray smiled back kissing Norman's forehead and rubbing circles along Norman's back. After a while of sitting like that Norman notified Ray had stopped so looked at him seeing he had fallen asleep so gave him a small kiss and wiggled his way to grab a blanket and threw it over the two of them, muttering a good night to Ray.

Just as Norman was about to fall asleep he heard a phone ping so checked his seeing no notifications so checked Ray's phone which was next to his seeing a message from Emma. Norman had to hold back an audible gasp at what he had just read.

(Sorry for the short chapter. Today was busy but still wanted to post so here you go, this upcoming week is also busy so I'll update when I can :) ))

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