Zoo days 2

697 24 23

Emma walked over to Ray  and Norman before grabbing the two boy's hands and stood in the middle of them and started walking. Ray pulled his hand away but continued to walk next to her, sighing when Emma tried to grab it again. Norman smiled slightly before speaking for Ray seeing the latter was getting a bit tired and low on social energy

"Emma I don't think Ray wants to be to physical as in hand holding but you can still cling to me"

"Awe you okay Ray?"

"Yea just not in a social mood but don't worry I don't want to ruin this day"

"You're not! Don't say that and that's fine we can find something chill to do. Hey what About we go to the cinema?"

"Sure that's a great idea Emma"

"Of course it is Norman I'm so smart!"

"Sure and sure you are Emma"

"Don't be mean Ray now let's go! I can get my mum to drop us off"

"Sure and then I'll let my parents know we are leaving. Will you need to text Isabella Ray?"

"Nah she doesn't really give a shit where I am she knows I'm smart enough to not go to suspicious areas"

"If you say so"

Norman text his mum as Emma called her mum and the trio eventually got picked up and dropped to the cinema. They walked in and went to find a film, Ray was looking at the advertisement for a horror film while Norman and Emma looked at a comedy.

"I think this is a good film- no way Ray we aren't watching that! It looks scary"

"Good it'll be scary so it's a good choice"

"You go watch it then I'm not"

"Awe too scary for you Emma"

"It's nottttt, I just know I won't sleep after seeing it"

"Sure, sure"

"I agree with Emma, Ray, it looks quite scary"

"Ugh how about this? I go watch that film and you two watch your comedy film?"

"Nope we are all watching the comedy!" Emma raced off to buy the tickets before Ray could argue.

After 10 minutes she walked back and gave Norman and Ray their ticket and led them to the cinema room they were in and showed them the seats. Ray sat on the end and Emma sat between the two. The film started and the three focused on it.

An hour and a half later Emma turned to her side seeing Ray had fallen asleep so tapped Norman to get his attention and pointed at Ray. Norman smiled and looked at him, lightly blushing feeling glad it was so dark so Emma wouldn't notice he was. Norman quietly asked if he could sit where Emma was and she nodded so they swapped, Norman smiled as Ray rolled in the seat to be lying on his side facing him, Norman moved his arm to wrap it around best as he could without disturbing him and smiled before going back to the film.

The film came to an end and Norman looked over to see Ray was still asleep. He smiled before gently tapping Ray, sighing when the later did his usual of ignoring him so gently shook him. Finally, Ray woke up but did not look happy about it. The trio collected their stuff and headed out. Emma called her mum to collect them and take them back to hers.

They eventually got picked up and was taken home to Emma's, Norman called his dad since his mum was working and explained the situation while Ray text his mum. After a few minute Norman was still on the call but hadn't said anything and Ray could hear muffled shouting so walked over to Norman and gave him a comforting smile. The two sat down on the floor, Norman having to stay on the call. Norman curled himself into Ray's arms and after another minute started to tear up. Ray saw this and grabbed the phone off him and hung up. Emma walked in seeing Norman curled into Ray and squealed like a fan girl. She dropped herself next to Ray deciding she wanted to be hugged so pouted at him for attention, Norman eventually calmed down and stayed where he was only moving when he felt something else leaning against Ray so moved to push it off.

"Normannnnn that's mean, I was trying to hug Ray"

"He is hugging me piss off"

"I can hug you both you know?"

"Yea exactly! This is why Ray is my favourite!"

"No he isn't and no you can only hug me"

After a few minutes of "arguing" Norman eventually won and looked at Ray with a proud smile, Ray ruffled Norman's hair in return. Emma watched in awe before dropping her head on Ray's shoulder and starting to whine about her single she was.

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