Zoo day

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Ray and Norman's family arrived at the Zoo, seeing Emma waiting so walked over. She immediately hugged Norman beaming giving a quick glare to Ray. Ray just quietly walked away as Emma let go off Norman grabbing his hand and walked over to sort the tickets.

Once they got in, Norman's parents explained that the three could go off on their own but to meet them at a certain spot at lunch time. Once they parted ways, Emma dragged Norman towards the giraffe enclosure and Ray followed not sure where to go. As they walked around Ray slowly got more agitated by the fact Emma was clinging on to Norman but didn't know what to do to stop it. Norman was picking up on this and so tried to fix it

"Hey Emma, could you just let go for a bit?"

"Oh- how come?"

"It's only since I think it might be easier if you aren't hung off my arm"

"Right or is it because you'd rather be holding hands with Ray"


Ray sighed before butting in "and so what if he does? We are dating so it makes sense if we would rather hold my hand then yours"

"But- I thought you liked me Norman! You said you loved me ever since grace field"

"I didn't Emma and I thought it was you. It was actually Ray but I was scared people would be disgusted so I forced myself to try and be in love with you"

"Ugh fine" she stormed towards the giraffes just watching them silently. Norman walked off to get a map and Ray stood near Emma.

"What happened to the old Emma? The Emma who would have screamed mine and Norman's ear off in joy and have been happy for us"

"Ray, people change"

"You were changed by that group, you allowed to happen because Norman was with them and he is pretty much the same apart from being more extroverted"

"Because I wanted to fit in Ray"

"But why? Why do you need to fit in when you could have just been Emma. People would have still been your friend"

"I guess but-"

"No. No buts Emma. I'm going to be honest and tell you this, that group has bullied me daily for a year and you just stood and watched it, why?"

"Because Ray I knew that group would never listen to me"

"You could have tried to get them to stop, old Emma would have never taken no for an answer but if you want to be this new way then fine but don't blame me when you realise they don't actually care about you or your feelings"

Norman walked back over and Ray went over to him, playfully grabbing the map off him and looking at it but stood in a way Norman couldn't see it

"Rayyyy! Give it back or at least let me look"

"You're the one who can't see it from there. I'm holding it normally"

"You are using your height to your advantage which is unfair"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Emma watched the two do this and started to realise how much she had changed, she walked over to them.

"Ray could we talk?"

"Sure?" He 'passed' the map back to Norman slightly throwing it and followed Emma.

Once the two got to a spot Emma found suitable where Norman wouldn't hear them but was still in sight.

"Look Ray I'm so sorry for everything and you're right, that group wasn't the best choice and I shouldn't have let them bully you and I don't blame you for being mad at me after all the trying to take Norman and as I said allowing the bullying" she had to hold back tears

"Well I accept the apology and I'm not mad Emma, I was just upset you left me behind but in all honestly I also did refuse to join that group"

"Can we try be friends again?"

"Pfff no" he gave her playful tone to her

"Ray what why?!"

"Because you have always been my friend so"

"Oh you had me scared for a second!"

"We should get back to Norman and also don't tell anyone this but you are also my little sister so that's the second reason why we cannot be friends"

"You're so mean! And sweet"

She smiled at him and raced over, Ray walked over to Norman whispering to him "it's all sorted with Emma" before walking off to go find the lion enclosure. Ray let the two go ahead since he saw a recruiting thing on the map so went to go ask an employee about it. After a while off talking Ray caught up with the others, getting a questioning look from Norman

"What took so long?"

"I was asking about something I saw"

"Oh the recruitment thing?"

"Yea I changed my mind on the firefighter thing, especially after the last time I was around fire. The whole farm thing"

"Yea good idea"

Norman smiled at Ray before placing his head on Ray's shoulder laughing when Emma turned around and first got scared because Ray suddenly appeared then poured because she wasn't getting attention.

(A/N: the next two days are busy for me since I have a sleepover so I may not be updating on those two so Friday I'll update more chapters :) ))

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