Going home

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Emma had already woken up seeing Ray and Norman asleep on the floor, silently squealing before going off to get dressed while the two were still asleep. Norman woke up just as Emma was picking an outfit. The two silently talked for a while and Emma watched Ray roll and continue to sleep.

"Does he always sleep in?"

"Yup earliest he wakes up on a weekend is around 10 I believe he said"

"That's late, howwww could someone sleep for that long?!"

"It's Ray that's why"

"True true, I'm going to quickly shower and I'll be back"

"Alright cool Isa is collecting Ray and I around 11 just so you know"

"Okay cool!" She walked out to the bathroom and Norman stayed where he was waiting for Ray reaching over his bag and grabbed an outfit before deciding to see what hoodie he could steal off Ray finding one that was drenched in Ray's scent so grabbed it and hid it in his clothes piles just in case Ray woke up wanting to see how long it took him to realise. Emma walked back in and smiled Norman so he got up and Emma pointed to where the shower was and he went off to get ready.

Norman walked back in, lightly blushing at how large Ray's hoodie was on since not only was his boyfriend taller than him, he always wore baggy clothes. He kept a small smile as he sat next to Emma and the two talked for a little bit.

"Aweee is that Ray's hoodie?"

"Mhm but he doesn't know I took it so don't say anything"

"Okay! So um- how did you know?"

"Know I liked Ray?"

"Yea- If that's okay to ask?"

"Yea of course it's fine, I guess just the usual feelings you'd have of a crush"

"Oh right so the butterflies in the stomach, the stuttering around them all of that?"


"Ah cool....."

"Is everything okay Emma?"

"Yea it's just I don't know if I like someone or not"

"Ah right"

"I'm sorry Norman"

"What for?"

"I think I like Ray but you're with him and it's bad that I do"

"Emma I'm not mad and it's not bad at all as long as you don't act on it or you can but as long as you respect the fact we are together then it's fine"

"Okay thanks for being understanding"

"You'd have done the same for me"

"Yea I guess"

The two continued to talk after a while the doorbell rang and Emma's mum called up to let the kids know Isa arrived. Norman chuckled seeing Ray still asleep.

"I'll go let Isa know Ray is asleep and take our bags down, you okay to try wake him?"

"Of course I can!"

"He's a super deep sleeper just so you know"


Norman grabbed both the bags and walked downstairs.

"Thanks again for letting me stay the night and thank you Isa for letting me stay with you"

"No worries at all Norman it's never a problem" Emma's mum gave him a smile as he walked out with Isabella to put the bags in the car.

"Ray is-"

"Still asleep?"


"No worries, you get seated and I'll go wait for him"

Emma tried to shake and shout Ray awake seeing nothing worked. She then tried to pretend she broke her leg again having Ray slightly wake to mumble "then fix it" so grabbed her phone and tried to blast music in his ears getting him awake so proudly smiled.

"Your mum is here sleepyhead and Norman has taken your bag for you"

"Oh- " Ray yawned before sitting up only to realise he had taken his shirt off in the middle of the night. Luckily for Emma, the bot was too tired to notice her blush "Yea that's great and all but- eh don't worry. Can you just leave the room for a second"

Emma nodded and Ray quickly for up to put his shirt on and walked out, Emma was stood in the hallway and saw Ray walked out so smiled and gave him a big hug.

"Bye Ray! Hopefully we meet up soon again! Like old times"

"Of course we can"

She smiled at him and got a side smile in return. Ray walked downstairs and said goodbye to Emma's mum and left with Isabella to the car. The three started to back, just casually chatting about whatever topic came up.

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