Chapter 4

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It's was a raining morning as y/n woke up, they noticed they were in a different room then yesterday and decided to get up and go downstairs, as they came to the kitchen they peaked there head in side and saw Jesse, as Jesse noticed them and gave them a soft smile, "good morning " Jesse said turning off the stove, and getting down towards there height, as y/n stepped back a bit, "I'm not sure what you like to eat, so I made you oatmeal, if that's alright" Jesse said with a soft smile and got up to put it onto the table, "thank you" y/n said in a mumble, as y/n try to climb onto the chair until Jesse picked them up and put them on the chair, as they started to eat in silence, until Jesse spoke up, "we didn't properly introduce each other, my name is Jesse, what's your's" he said looking at y/n with a soft smile, until you looked at him shyly, "my name is y/n, your my brother aren't you" y/n said looking up at him, as he nodded and went to say something but was cut off by a Aaron T, "YO JESSE , WHAT'S FOR BREAKFAST" Aaron T yelled, which scared the poor child and covered there ear's and ran to hide behind Jesse, as Jesse sighed and turned around and gave them a small smile, "how about you go and get dressed ok, I'll be up there in a minute" Jesse said as y/n nodded and ran up stairs, "really T you had to scare them" Aaron Z said, "plus there ear's are very sensitive" Tae young added, as Aaron T gave a frown, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" Aaron T said, as Jesse sighed and wiped his hands, "I made breakfast for you guy's, it's on the stove" Jesse said walking away, as Jesse went up the stairs and saw you playing with a turtle toy, "I told them to be a bit more quiet and let you get used to them" Jesse said as y/n nodded and ran back downstairs to finish breakfast as Jesse smiled and followed, until he heard a thud, "y/n" the boys said running towards the stairs, "that's what you get for running in the house" Robaire said as Tae young picked them up and Examined y/n, " are you hurt, I don't see any scratches" Tae said doting on them, until they noticed Tae, and hid behind Jesse, and then shook there head to hide there ear's and tail, "these are my friends" Jesse said as y/n just nodded and ran off to the kitchen to finish eating and then running back up stairs, "it's just going to take time" Jesse said as the others nodded.

Time skip
"She's been playing with that thing all day, how are they not bored" Aaron T said looking at the others, as they all shrugged it off, "who's on dinner duty tonight" Aaron Z asked, "Me" Robaire said walking into your room, "I'm about to make dinner, is there anything in particular you want" Robaire asked as y/n looked at him, "if you don't give me a suggestion then you can't complain" Robaire said as he walked out of the room, as the others just looked at him,as y/n got up and followed Robaire to the kitchen as you watched him cook and saw him pour pepper into the dish, as y/n sneezed which showed there cat form, and in the background you can hear jesse and Aaron Z struggling to hold onto Tae young from squeezing the life out of the child.

Another timeskip
"DINNER IS READY" Robaire yelled,  as he put it onto the table, as you struggled to get onto the chair again, as Jesse lifted them up as they stared at the food, "here eat up" Robaire said sitting down, as you continued to stare at it and then try it, as they gave a look "bitter" y/n said, as the others looked at them, "bitter" Robaire said taking a bite, as Aaron Z realized what they were talking about, "oh it's the pepper" Aaron Z said, as Robaire sighed, "sorry you can't expect me to make fried rice without pepper just be a good (girl/
Boy/kid) and eat it" Robaire said as y/n shook there head, "is there anything else you'd like to eat" Tae asked, as y/n thought and said, "rice", as Jesse nodded "that's easy enough for me" Jesse said getting up.

5 minutes later
"That's an interesting combination fried rice and rice" Robaire said watching you look back and forth and finally pushing the fried rice away, as Aaron T was trying so hard to hold in his laughter! "Hey, and T stop laughing" Robaire said, "I just want this" y/n said, as Robaire sighed, "really y/n" Robaire said as you got up to get something as Jesse gave him a look, as y/n came back with a packet of seasoning and pulled on Aaron Z arm to lift them up onto the chair and then started to eat peacefully, as Aaron T busted out laughing, "they did you dirty" Aaron T said as Robaire gave him a dirty look.

Later onto the night y/n was able to tired themselves out as Jesse came to help them get ready for bed he saw them laying on the floor with there toy's as Jesse had small smile on his face as he picked them up and placed them in bed and looked at them one more time before leaving, and going downstairs, "now do you want to explain, what happened at dinner" Jesse said looking at Robaire, "I'm sorry, I got frustrated, but that's no excuse" Robaire said looking at Jesse as Jesse sighed, "speaking of excuses, I was thinking of taking time off, so each of us can spend time with them and get to know them one on one" Jesse said while looking at the others, "I'd love that" Tae young said with a smile, "so who goes first" Aaron Z asked, "I say Robaire and Jesse go last" Aaron T suggested as Z and Tae nodded as Jesse just looked at them, "I'm there brother" Jesse said as T response was, "so", as Aaron Z brought straws out, "ok let's pull straws alright" Aaron Z said as they all nodded, "dang it" they all said, as Z looked down, "nice" Aaron Z said, "HE CHEATED!" Aaron T yelled as Jesse covered his mouth, "shhh there sleeping" Jesse said in a whispered, as he let go and Robaire just shook his head, "let's just go to sleep alright" Robaire said, as Aaron T huffed and walked away dramatically, as they all nodded and went to bed.

A/n yes chapter 4 done! Next one's are going to be more happy and one on one with the members, also going to be making a platonic one shots book for the 4town members! Also please someone say they know the reference please!!

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