Chapter 6: Spending time with Tae young

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It was a quiet and peaceful morning in the 4town house as Robaire was sitting at the dinning room table drinking a cup of coffee and a small sigh escape his mouth "silence" he said as he went to take another sip, well until screaming started, "HELP ME!!"y/n screamed running towards Aaron Z, as he turned around and picked them up, "what's going on" Jesse said crossing his arms, as Tae ran downstairs out of breath, "I'M SO SORRY Y/N" Tae said almost on the verge of tears, as y/n decided to hiss at him, "what did you do" Robaire asked as he looked at Tae, "I was trying to curl there hair and I kind of got carried away and wasn't paying attention and I actually burned them with the curling iron, and then in return they turned into there cat form and I accidentally stepped on there tail, AGAIN IM SO SORRY" Tae young said frantically, as y/n kept hugging onto Z, "I really do believe Tae is sorry" Aaron Z said as Z put them down, as Tae went to go up to them, they ran upstairs, "don't feel to bad Tae, I do believe there's something to it" Aaron Z said as he went to follow them, "y/n can I come in" Aaron Z said softly as he knocked on the door, a small "come in" along with sniffles coming out of y/n, "I'm sorry" y/n said holding there turtle, "hey, it's alright I'm not mad, what's wrong" Aaron Z said sitting next to them, and putting a strand of hair behind there ear, "I don't really want to talk about" y/n started as they holding there knees up to there chest, "hey its ok, you don't have to share anything, Aaron Z said giving a side hug, "I want to tell Tae young that I forgive him" y/n said as Aaron Z gave a small smile, "I think he would appreciate it" Aaron Z said as he helped them up, as they came downstairs, as Tae noticed them he quickly got up, "I wanted to say I forgive you" y/n said, as Tae smiled, "I'm so glad" Tae said as he went to hug them but they backed aways, "how about we leave you be" Jesse said as he patted Tae on the shoulder, "what would you like to do" Tae asked as y/n shrugged, " do you like animals" Tae asked as y/n nodded and a smile appeared on Tae face, " do you like doves" Tae asked as y/n immediately shook there head, "one time it picked at my head" y/n said as they showed were the mark was, as Tae gave a small chuckle, "well then, how about we go to the mall" Tae said as a small "ok" came out, as they looked at Tae.

Time skip Tae's pov

The driver dropped us off at the mall, I was really excited for our time together I want to get to know them but I know it going to take time, as I kept daydreaming I didn't notice that y/n wonder away from me "what do you want to do first y/n, y/n" I asked but didn't see them, until I saw them at the window of build a bear as there eye's sparkle, as I ran towards them, "y/n you can't just run off" I said bending down as they looked at me, "I'm sorry" they said as I softly smiled, "it's alright, have you ever been in there before" I said as they shook there head and kept looking inside, "well how about we go in and get one" I said smiling as they looked at me, "really" they said with sparkles in there eye's, "of course" I said as they ran in,
"Now what one do you want" I said patting there head, as they kept looking, "there's various of selection" I said as they kept looking, "this one!" They exclaimed,

The driver dropped us off at the mall, I was really excited for our time together I want to get to know them but I know it going to take time, as I kept daydreaming I didn't notice that y/n wonder away from me "what do you want to do first y/n, y/...

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"Are you sure" I asked, as they immediately nodded, "alright, let's go get it stuffed" I said ruffling there hair.

After that me and y/n were walking until they noticed something, "A DANGO PLUSHIE" They exclaimed, "I didn't think they sold these things anymore" I said picking it up and letting y/n hold it, "it's half the size of you" I said with a chuckle, as they kept hugging it, even when I paid for it, we spent the whole day there!

Time skip

Y/n was finishing there food, and I thought to myself maybe I can try and give them a bath, I thought to myself as I finished washing the dishes, "hey y/n would you mind if I give you bath tonight" I asked as they lifted there head and thought for a minute, as they shook there head, as I smiled, "alright" I said, as Tae grabbed there hand and walked to the bathroom, "woah this is big, and what's this" y/n asked me as they picked up a bath bomb and showed me, "that's a bathroom it fizzys in the tub" I said as I put one in and poured bubbles into it, as there eyes sparkle and they hoped in, as they changed into there cat form, "so cute" I said to myself, and they grabbed the rubber duck and started to chew on the duck, as I smiled and poured water over there head, as they covered there cat ear's, "hey" they said as I pulled back, "sorry" I said as a small it ok came out, as I started washing there hair.

A couple of minutes went by and I got up to grab a duck towel, "ok let's get out, and if you don't mind I can dutch braid your hair" I asked as they nodded and smiled,

A couple of minutes went by and I got up to grab a duck towel, "ok let's get out, and if you don't mind I can dutch braid your hair" I asked as they nodded and smiled,

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"OH MY GOSH YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE" I exclaimed and they smiled at me, "come on let's go get dressed" I said picking them up.

After I dried there hair and put them in some cute new pj's, "I have pj's" they said looking at there new pj's, "I know but I thought you might like them" I said, as they nodded, "thank you!" They said starting to yawn, "let's get you in bed" I said putting them in bed and giving them there new plushies, and kissed there forehead, as I went to leave they grabbed my hand, "can you sing me the dango song" They asked with pleading eyes, "alright, but you got to promise to fall asleep" I said sitting on the bed, and covering them more up, as they snuggled into the plushie, "Dango dango dango dango, Dango my family" I started to sing softly, "There is a stubborn roasted dango, And a gentle bean jam dango" I countine seeing y/n starting to fall asleep, "If we could gather them together, We'd have a family, The baby dango smiles and is always Cradled in all of the parent's love, And the elder dango sits back and muses over memories" I kept singing as I noticed tears coming out of there eye's, aw poor thing, Sevika must have used to sing this to them, but I countine, "What if everyone could see That just by holding hands like the dango family you will find love, Now, the little dango
town is slowly blossoming Into the bright world I dream of" I sang softly as I noticed the others walking in and awe at the scene but kept quiet so I could finish,"Just beyond the starry sky
The rabbits on the moon, wave
And smile down upon the world below, I moved a strand of hair out of there face, "Roll up all the little
things that make you sad and find
All the things that make you happy" I finished wiping there tears away, and giving them a kiss on the cheek, "goodnight dovie, sweet dreams" I said getting up to leave and shut the door on the way out, "I see you guy's are getting along just fine" Jesse said as laughed softly, "there an angel, they just been through a lot" I said smiling to myself, "Sooo not to ruin the moment, buut who gets them tomorrow" T started as I rolled my eyes, "of course you had to ruin the moment, just for that you'll go after me" Jesse said as T gave him and mad look, "what no fair!" T exclaimed as Jesse chuckled and leaned against the wall, "you alright with going last" Jesse asked Robaire ignoring T complaining, "I'm alright with it" Robaire said, Z started to stretch "welp I'm going to bed" Z said as everyone agreed to getting some sleep.

I hope you guy's enjoy this chapter! I actually have that build a bear it came to mind when writing this! And I just love leeandlie cover of the dango song and thought it be cute! Hope you guys are enjoying this storie! Have a good night or day! WHY DO I KEEP FORGETTING TO ADD THE SONG!!

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