Chapter 9: Spending time with Robaire

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Everyone decided to leave to go to the recording studio by 8:00 to 9:00 that left Robaire to spend time with y/n, and it was around 10:00 in the morning and y/n was still sleeping as Robaire decided to go wake them up before they sleep the day away.

Robaire's pov

As I walked in and opened the windows they didn't move a bit, god they really hit the wall hard I thought to myself as I sat on the edge of the bed, "y/n sweetheart" I said slightly nudging them, as they grumbled in there sleep and slowly opened there eye’s as they were half asleep, and looked at me, "my head hurts" they said holding there head, "yeah, you took quite a fall, you alright we just take it easy today" I ask moving a piece of hair out of there face, as they nodded as they made grabby hands at me, wanting to be picked up, as I smiled and picked them up, and brought them to the living room, "I have to do something really quick" I say putting down paper and crayons and grabbing some juice and a bowl of apple jacks, "I"ll be real quick" I say as they nodded as I went to another room.

As y/n sat there watching a cartoon and drawing they got bored and looked up at the clock, fifty minutes had passed and they were getting bored, so they got up and started to try and find Robaire as they saw him setting at the piano.

Robaire's pov

I was working on the piano not noticing how long I had been at the piano, and not noticing my surroundings as I countine to play until I noticed the note sounding horrible, as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "what are you doing" I jumped hearing the voice seeing y/n poking the key as I smiled, "you scared me" I say as they looked at me, "I'm sorry" they said with frown, "it's alright, I'm just trying to come up with a new song" I say as they continue to poke the key and then looked at me, "you want to learn" I asked as they nodded, as I nodded my head and put them on the bench showing them what to do and the different keys.


After teaching y/n how to play piano and all the things behind it, we decided to sit down for a snack, I put down the snack and sat down with them as they struggled to get on the chair as I picked them up and put them on the chair, as they nibbled on the biscuit, "what do you guy's do" they asked looking at me, "we're a band, called 4town ring a bell" I say as they looked at me and shook there head, "it's alright, if you don't know" I say as I went to take a bite of food, "Are you and Jesse married" they asked as I chocked on my food, "what" I say and looked at them, "you and the other's wear rings, so I thought you guy's were married" they asked looking at me and then taking a bite of food, "um I how about we" I try to say but stumble over the words as they keep looking at me, as I heard the door open and sighed thank god, "T" they said running up towards him as he picked them up.

"Did you and Robaire have fun with each other" Jesse asked as they nodded and smiled, "Robaire taught me how to play the piano" y/n said as T kept throwing them in the air, "what's for dinner tonight" I asked cleaning up, "we were thinking about going out to eat" Tae said as y/n grabbed his cheek and pulled it, "that sounds great to me" I say as T put them/she/he down and gave a piece of candy to them, "y/n were would you like to go, and T don't give them candy before dinner" Jesse said as T grumbled and put it into his pocket, as they thought for a moment, "Jerichos!" They exclaimed as there eye’s sparkled, "alright then" Z said as I picked them up, "but first we have to get you dressed" I say giving them a kiss on the cheek as they giggled.

I'm sorry this was short I had  written this along with writing more of spending time with Robaire and then spending time with the whole group but I wanted to make that a separate chapter

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