Chapter 10: Spending time with 4town

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Robaire's pov

"Ow your pulling my hair" y/n said holding there head as I tried to brush there hair, "I'm sorry" I say as Tae came up to me and took the brush, "like this" he said brushing there hair softly, and then putting it in a braid, "you made it seem so easy" I say with a look as he smiled at me, "COME ON LADY'S LET'S GO" T yelled as I rolled my eyes and picked up y/n, "I swear I'm going to burn his baseball cap" Tae said as I looked at him in disbelief.

3rd pov

As the guys were dropped off at the elevator to go down to the undercity the guys looked at y/n as (they/she/he) looked at them with a smile and walked into the elevator and they pulled the lever, as T held onto Z as the elevator went down the boys had a concerning look on there face, as y/n stepped out and held on to Jesse hand and dragged him towards Jerichos booth.

"Are you sure you want to eat here" Tae asked as y/n kept nodding there head, as Jesse held onto them, as y/n broke out of Jesse's hold and struggled to get on the bar stool, as Robaire picked them up and put them on the stool "hi Jericho" they said smiling, "Hey y/n who are these people" he asked, "my brother's" they exclaimed, as the guy's sat there scared, as Jericho nodded and leaned against the counter, "want your normal" he asked as y/n nodded, as he looked at the others, "and you" he asked pointing his cooking knife at them, as the boys sat there stiff, "um the same thing as them" Jesse said, as Jericho went ahead and started to cook.

As Y/n was watching with glee on there face, the boys were looking around at there surroundings, sense they never been down to the undercity.

"Here you go" Jericho said sliding the bowl, as y/n grabbed it and started to inhale it as the boys watched them in shock, as they all took a bite and were all shocked, it tasted really good, as y/n was making a mess, "Oh Jericho have I missed these" they said with a mouth full as Tae wiped there face and scratch there ear as they looked at him and smiled, "y/n don't talk with a mouth full of food" Jesse said as with a soft smile as y/n nodded and went back to there food.

As Jesse was paying for the food, y/ n had decided to sneak away to try and find Sevika, Aaron T and Tae young were holding y/n hands when T went to say something to them he noticed them gone, "y/n" T said looking down as he started to frantically look around, "Y/N!" Tae yelled as the others started to also frantically look around, as Jesse looked around and saw a (y/h/c) with neko ears as he finished paying and started to run towards them.

As y/n snuck towards the back of the last drop, they peaked there head out from the dark alley way, and saw Sevika playing cards, "Rotten luck, boy's" she said placing the cards on the table as she smirked, that's when y/n came out of the shadow's, "MAMA!" Y/n exclaimed as Sevika lifted there head and looked at them in shock, "y/n" sevika said softly as she got up and walked towards them as y/n ran up to her, as Sevika hugged them and then pulled away, "what are you doing here" she asked pushing hair out of her face as y/n went to say something they heard yelling,"oops" y/n said making a O shape with there mouth "what did you do" Sevika asked as y/n softly chuckled, "y/n" Jesse said very worried and out of breath as he ran towards the alley way, "y/n we talked about this, you can't just wonder away by yourself" Tae said kneeling towards them, as Jesse looked at Sevika, "Thank you for looking after them" Jesse said as Sevika looked at him and got up, "it's no problem, I enjoy this little ones company" she said ruffling there hair as y/n giggled, "Awe has little y/n/n turned you soft" Finn said, as the boys looked at him spooked and kind of scared by the whole tattoos and just scared in general, as T held onto them but y/n giggled and ran up to him, "FINNY" Y/n exclaimed as he picked them up, "it's finn, you brat" he said jokingly as y/n giggled, "you know I believe Vander still has your juice and there's cookies" he said as y/n's eyes sparkled, "first you got to hide your ears" Sevika said as y/n nodded and shook there head, as Finn took them inside as Robaire went to follow but was stopped by Sevika, "there fine, besides the people in there don't like topsiders, and by the looks of it I'm guessing first time in the undercity" she said, as they all nodded as Sevika chuckled and sat down going back to playing cards, "what I said earlier, I truly mean it" Jesse said coming up to her, "it's no problem" she said, "I would also like to say that I would love for you to still be apart of there life" Jesse said as Sevika looked at him and a small thank you came out of her mouth.

"Come back here, you little.." Finn said chasing after them, as Sevika stopped them, "what did you do" Sevika asked as y/n gave a innocent smile, "nothing" y/n said taking a bite of there cookie, "oh you little.." Finn said picking them up and starting to tickle them, "alright give me a bite" Finn said taking a bite of there cookie as they giggled.

A hour passed and y/n was starting to grow tired as they let out a yawn, as finn handed them to Sevika as she started to hum a lullaby, which gave Robaire an Idea, as the others saw y/n fast asleep and snuggling up to Sevika, as Sevika walked up to them and decided to place them into Tae's arm, but y/n's arms were latched onto Sevika neck with a tight grip, and they had to pry there hands away from her neck, as she placed them into Tae's arms as she rubbed there back, "have a goodnight, and be safe" she said as the boys nodded and thanked her and walked away.

A/n hello everyone I hope your night/day is doing great, I wanted to apologize for not updating this story, I took a break for a couple of days and just have been busy, with that I wanted to say I'm starting school on August 3rd so updates for both this storie and the oneshot book will be slow, I'm off on Fridays so I might be able to post then, don't worry I'm still going to update it's just going to be slow!

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