Chapter 12

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Weeks passed and y/n hadn't gotten any better which worried Jesse and the other's but he knew he had to be calm, none of the members left there side, the only time they did was to go get groceries and that's what was happening now, Jesse had called Sevika so she could watch them and stay with them.

"Alright, we'll be back in a hour" Jesse said as Sevika nodded, "take your time, we'll be fine" Sevika said as y/n waved and then looked at the wall as Sevika chuckled and ruffled there hair as they laid back down, as Sevika sat down on the chair by there bed, "Vi and powder, along with mylo and claggor wanted to come with me to see you, but I said you needed rest" Sevika said moving hair out of y/n's face, "I miss them" y/n said half asleep, "I know maybe when you get better you can go see them, but for now get some rest" Sevika said tucking them, as Y/n nodded and fell right to sleep, as Sevika also nod off to sleep.

Time skip

Couple hours passed and the boys were getting back home, as Sevika woke up to Aaron T's loud mouth singing and as she angrily sighed


As the other's looked at him annoyed as Sevika got up and as Sevika got down the stairs, she hit T upside the head, "will you shut up, Y/n is sleeping loud mouth" she said in a stern voice as the other members laughed, "stop that actually hurt" Aaron T exclaimed as Sevika rolled her eye's as she went to grab her cloak, "she's fast asleep" Sevika said going towards the front door, "thank you again" Jesse said as Sevika nodded, "no problem, if you need anything else call me" she said walking out the door, as Robaire put the bags on the table, "how about we cook some dinner" Tae said as the others nodded and Tae grabbed a aporn and started to get the ingredients to make homemade ramen, as Aaron T came into the kitchen and looked at the ingredients and looked at Tae young, "Ramen really Tae" He said dramatically as Tae shook his head and rolled his eyes, "Stop complaining" he said as he continued.

Another timeskip

After Tae was done cooking he put them in bowls and on trays so they could take it up to there room so they could all eat together.

As they walked in and turned the lamp on so it would be a dimmed room, Y/n started to move and wake up a bit and then slowly sat up and yawned and rubbed there eye's as they were holding there stuffed animal, "what time is it" Y/n asked, "it's late, are you hungry" Aaron Z asked as he pushed hair out of there face as they nodded, "here you go" Tae said putting the tray of ramen down as y/n looked at it and smiled as they started to eat really fast as they spit it out and stuck there tongue out, "y/n sweetie be careful and eat slowly" Jesse said as they nodded and started to eat, "how are you feeling" Robaire asked, "I still don't feel well" y/n said with a sad face, "I know is there anything we can do" Jesse asked brushing there head as they shook there head as they all finished eating together.

One more month passed and y/n was slowly but surely starting to feel better.

As they were sitting at the dining room table eating as they were wearing Zs sweatshirt which was very big on them, as Jesse came over and kissed them on top of there head, "I was thinking if you were feeling up to it maybe we can go for a walk" Jesse said as y/n nodded, "let's go and get you dressed" T said as he picked them up.


"T COME ON! LET'S GO ON" Robaire yelled, "WE'RE COMING" T yelled back.

As they came downstairs and the other's saw the mix match outfit and a horrible attempt of a braid, as y/n was gnawing on a sucker with there ear's and tail out, "T, what on earth" Z said as Tae took out the failed braid, as Jesse rubbed his face, "alright let's go" Jesse said, "y/n first tuck your ears away" Aaron Z y/n nodded and tucked away there ears and tail, as they all walked out and put y/n in the wagon.

As they were walking towards the park, y/n had noticed there friends .


She yelled getting out of the wagon and ran up towards them, as the other's ran after y/n, "Y/n!" Jesse yelled, as Vi ran up to y/n and hugged them, "Sevika said you weren't feeling well, are you feeling better" Vi asked putting her hand on there forehead to check there temperature, "I'm doing a little bit better" y/n said, "how you doing little one" Vander said, "Vander!" They exclaimed as they went to hug him, "who are they" Claggor asked pointing at the boys, "there my brother's!" Y/n said smiling, "how about you guy's go and play" Vander said as the kids all nodded and ran off, "Be careful y/n" Jesse said as y/n looked at him and nodded, "I'm Vander, I was one of the people who helped raised y/n" Vander said holding his hand out, "Jesse, nice to meet you, this is Robaire, Tae young, Aaron Z,  and Aaron T" he said shaking his hand as all the members waved, "nice to meet you all" Vander said, "are those your little one's" Jesse said looking at the kids playing, "sorta I took them in after the war" Vander said looking at Jesse, as Jesse eyes softened and he softly smiled.

As the looked over to see the kids playing tag and saw them running around, "you know y/n is very active, they always kept me on my feet running after them" Vander said chuckling, "your telling me, they love to climb everything almost gave me a heart attack once" Robaire said chuckling.

As yhe kids were playing, y/n was starting to grow tired and was out of breath, "you ok" Vi asked looking at y/n concerned, "I'm tired"  they replied trying to catch there breath as they sat down against a tree as the others sat down with them, as you decided to lay your head onto Vi's shoulder as a blush grew on her face, as the others fell asleep too.

"Y/n time to go.." Aaron Z started to say but saw the cute scene, "we should get the kids together again soon" Tae said as Aaron T picked them up as did Vander without the others, "agreed" Vander said pushing there hair out of there face, as they all nodded and started to walk off as T placed them into the wagon and kissed there forehead, as they all waved at him and then walked off to go back home.

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