🥀👁 Alt!Cesar x Reader (Part Two): Too Slow...

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Y/N: Your Name
E/C: Eye Color
H/L, H/C: Hair Length and Hair Color
F/C: Favorite Color
(TW: Eyes, blood, mentions of death, cussing (fair amount!), vomiting, mild gore and body horror! Read at risk, or don't, after all...  N҉҉O҉҉T҉҉H҉҉I҉҉N҉҉G҉ ҉I҉҉S҉ ҉W҉҉O҉҉R҉҉T҉҉H҉ ҉T҉҉H҉҉E҉ ҉R҉҉I҉҉S҉҉K҉... Haha jk! Enjoy!)

Y/N's POV:

HOW THE FUCK WAS THAT BASTARD NOT SIX FEET UNDER?! I shut the radio off and slammed my head down on the wheel, anger and frustration ran through my bones. My buttons were pressed and I was pissed... I thought I got rid of him, I thought he was gone, dead, left the building, pushing up daisies! But no, shit has to be a 180! I still felt the dark, angling presence behind me... It felt familiar, like I had encountered it before, like something had followed me back around! I panicked and grabbed the cross I had in the glove compartment. I looked in the mirrors of the car, behind me, hell, even outside of the car, but there was nothing to be found... I couldn't help but sob a bit...

Mark entered the car after a bit, and saw me sobbing... I couldn't help but try to hide my tears in my hoodie. But it didn't help. My breaths sharper than knives, the fear and panic in my gaze, my hands shook uncontrollably as I tried to keep my slippery grasp on them, hands sweating more and more as tears streaked down my cheeks. Mark hugged me and patted me on the back, the warmth of his body felt nice against mine. I had not felt so comforted in a while. Mark sighed, glancing away, "Let's just go back to my place-" I hushed him swiftly, "No. It's to dangerous for you to be around me... He could still be after me... How about I drop you off home and I rent myself a hotel room?" I brought up.

Mark sighed somberly... I didn't know how to feel. The wistfulness in his soul showed empathy that had weighted us both down. "Alright, just... Stay safe, okay?" Mark wished in concern. I sighed, I didn't want to drag him into this mess, I didn't want him to get hurt by the same alternate that was after me! "Hey, don't worry... I'll be fine." I comforted him, smiling softly as I wiped away his crystal clear tears that came down his eyes. He kept sobbing for about 10 minutes before letting me drive him back to his place. I dropped him off at his house, giving him a tight hug before I went to a hotel...

3rd Person POV:

Y/N rented a hotel room for at least three weeks, as to wait for the coast to be clear. Y/N wandered over to their hotel room... Room 33, floor 3. Y/N had looked around, the room was dark and decrepit... The walls leaked a bit, the floorboards let out an ear peircing screech that made Y/N contort and toil a bit. As the floorboards let out haunting groans, the pale moonlight waned into the room, the ivory beams of light radiated and lit up the room from the window they were in. There was a sort of green grubbish bushel of veggitation on the ceiling. Y/N reached up and took a small taste. It was moss. "Damn... That's gross. But this is all I can afford right now." Y/N mumbled to themselves.

Y/N placed their bags on the floor, their sneakers squeaked and squealed on the floorboards as they croaked. Y/N groaned, but they were tenacious over the idea of getting away from the alternate of whom was once her boyfriend. They flopped onto the couch and pondered in thought, is there a way that they can possibly bring back their old boyfriend? Y/N sat in pondering prudence, the ticking of the clock reverberated against the walls...

𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤... 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤... 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤

Y/N laid down on the couch, thoughts buzzing in their skull. If Cesar was an alternate, why didn't he try to kill Y/N durring all those nights that they cuddled, or on the small dates at tge park or coffee shop? Why didn't he affect them with M.A.D while they were napping on top of him? Y/N began to reminice about the past, remembering all the tines they would go to the fair or the park with Cesar... Crystal clear tears streaked down Y/N's face and trickled onto the floorboard, her heart was in dissaray and sorrow... Why Cesar? Of all people to betray them and break their heart, they would never suspect her now ex-boyfriend.

(CLOSED) Mandela Catalog x Reader One-Shots: Alternates Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now