- russia x america ii

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warning, the following one-shot contains...
bottom russia, semi-public sex, office sex, cock warming, blowjobs, nipple play, bondage, humping because 🤤🤤, overstimulation, crying, that's about it man idk they just fuck in america's office

"union, are sure about this?"
russia asked nervously, testing out the restraints on his ankles.
"the desk has a back, nobody will see you. and not to brag, but you've seen my poker face,"
america pushed forward in the wheeled chair so that russia's nose was to the former's crotch.
"nobody will be able to tell, love. and worst case scenario on my meeting, i turn the camera off and say i had technical issues. we'll be okay,"
the slavic man nodded as he undid the zipper on the older man's pants and parted his lips at the sight he was met with.
"if you say so,"

russia swallowed nervously but pushed away his worries and opened his mouth to make way for the intrusion.
just then, he heard ringing from america's computer, following by the ding of him joining the meeting.
"we'll wait for everybody to come in, but please keep your cameras on and microphones off.."
nato's voice trailed away in his head as he made contact with the older man's stomach.
slowly, he traced his tongue along a prominent vein before sliding back down towards the head of his dick.
america's hand traced his jaw, and he looked up to find a seemingly unaffected american.
(unaffected except for his twitching hand, that is)

the slav didn't know how long he sat there, trying to get any reaction out of the man above him, knees aching from the polished floor.
eventually he tuned back into the meeting to hear nato thanking everybody for their time and ending the call.
almost immediately america pushed his chair back, causing russia to yelp as he landed on his palms.
"union, what-"
but america was gone towards his office door, and russia heard the lock click shut.
"you're such a fucking cock slut. can't even go twenty minutes as a cock warmer without getting all hot and bothered,"
russia shifted on his knees, embarrassed at the hard-on in his pants.
the american walked up behind him, pulled him up, and bent him over the desk.
"acting all worried, you're so desperate i bet you wouldn't care if i fucked you on the wall while every nato-aligned country watched,"
"that's not true!"
russia yelled back, face red and flushed at how slow he was to defend himself.
"oh? so i can finish myself off now and leave you here?"
he motioned to russia's body as the slav peaked over his shoulder.
"like this?"
the russian mewled and shook his head, pressing his clothed ass back against the shorter man's crotch.
"that's what i thought. stay still while i get these off of you and prep you. can you do that, whore?"
russia nodded weakly, aroused tears coming to his eyes.
america softened for a moment, rubbing soothing circles into his hips and leaning over his back.
"you know your safeword, baby. don't be afraid to use it, i promise i won't be mad,"
russia just nodded, swallowing built up saliva.

it didn't take long before they were ready, whether that was because russia was all too desperate or because america was slightly rushing was up for debate.
(or it may have been the fact that russia had "prepped" himself in the shower beforehand, not that he'd admit to it)
slowly, the shorter man lifted up the russians leg by his thigh and gripped his hip with his free hand while entering the taller man.
russia let out a pathetically high-pitched whimper, dragging his hips weakly back against the desk in desperate need of stimulation.
the american stopped him with a firm hand on his hip, thrusting forward suddenly.
the slavic keened, drool pooling under his chin on desk.
"there, such a good boy, you take me so well,"
america growled from behind his teeth, rubbing the inside of russia's thigh with his thumb.
precum leaked from russia's dick onto the desk, beads dripping down from the flushed pink head.
"god, aren't you pathetic?"
the older man dragged him up by the back of his neck and gently bit his earlobe.
russia whined desperately, trying to fuck himself on his partner's dick.
america moved his free arm from russia's neck to his chest, lightly pulling on a bud while he ground against russia's prostate.
the slavic came almost silently, tears flowing down his cheeks and words clogging his throat while he sputtered inaudibly.
"fuck, just a little longer baby, i'm sorry,"
america humped him desperately, finishing not long after with a hiss.
gently, the american dropped russia back on the desk, falling into his chair and pulling a hand through his hair.
"oh, god.."
russia sighed, covering his face with his hands.

would you believe me if i said i don't like reading blowjobs

requested by @DrewDurnil123

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