The THREE Coven

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The THREE is a coven of three witches: Savannah, Luna & Maya. The THREE have some rules:

1. No use of dark magic

2. Only use your magic when really necessary

3. No other supernatural being is allowed in their coven/on their property

Their coven is located in the old and abandoned mansion in the middle of the forest. The mansion has been sealed by unknown sources. It will only be opened if permitted by the three witches. There are catacombs that stretch through the whole city. The witches use these catacombs for fast travelling. The witches mainly use white or natural magic. But they can use dark/wicked magic if needed. If dark magic is used too much, the witch or wizard will be overtaken by the power. This results in either death or demonic possession.

The coven's members are unknown to the public, but they are said to be very powerful, especially when together. They are said to be on good terms with other supernaturals.

The THREE: The Beast (Yeonjun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now