Fate Decides (Part 1)

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3rd P.O.V

A few weeks had gone by, Yeonjun and Luna were still planning and working out a failproof plan to finally take down the beast. They would wake up, go to school, go straight home and start planning again. The others were growing suspicious of the two. They knew something was going on but they were unsure of what exactly. Savannah and Maya wanted to question Luna but never found the time to do so. She was only ever alone when everyone else had gone to bed. Every night Maya would see Yeonjun sneaking out of Luna's room, walking off like he hadn't been in there all day. Sometimes the others would try and listen in on their conversation, but the room seemed to be completely quiet. The girls had never kept a secret from one another. Savannah and Maya knew they had to find out what was going on, even if it would result in an uncomfortable confrontation.

An Unexpected Confession

Luna P.O.V

"Finally! Freedom" I let out a sigh of relief. The three of us just got home from school. I looked around the living room "Where are the guys?". I turned around to look at Savannah and Maya. They both had a serious expression on their faces. "What's up?" I furrowed my eyebrows "The guys are out. Sit" Savannah nodded her head towards the couch. I reluctantly sat down. The air between us seemed tense. "This seems serious" I said with a light-hearted chuckle. "Might be. Depending on your answer" I'm fucked. Savannah is always somewhat serious but Maya rarely gets this tense. I must have really messed up I looked down. "C'mon, you already look guilty" my gaze met theirs "No surprise the police officers thought you did something". I sighed "Can we please just get to the point. This ain't my first interrogation rodeo". Maya was trying hard to keep her serious expression. As soon as the atmosphere lightened it darkened again "What are you and Yeonjun up to?" I choked on my own spit "Excuse me?". "You heard me" Savannah crossed her arms "What are you guys doing? You're only ever apart when we're in school. And even then, you guys take nearly every opportunity to be or sit together". Fuck. Shit. Think of something quick, Luna. I was brainstorming every single excuse in my head. Savannah and Maya impatiently waited for my answer. "Why in the Goddess' name is that so hard to answer" I started fidgeting with my fingers "Don't even try to make up a lie. We can see your brain turning all the way from out here". Their voices started to fade out.

Okay so it needs to be something believable. At least preferably. Something that is so out off pocket for me that it would make sense for me to not tell anyone – especially them. Something that must involve Yeonjun in some way or another. It has to be something that only him and I are a part of, since we didn't involve ANY of the others. But most importantly, it must make sense why we're always together. It can't be because of school, since the others would know about our homework and assignments. Why would two people spend nearly every hour of the day together, without any interruptions, alone in a room... My head began spinning until. Oh no

With an unwilling push I finally got the words out "I like him". Everything went silent. "You" Savannah pointed at me "Like. Him?". I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded in shame. "You. Luna Underwood. Likes. Choi Yeonjun" silence again. Maya's jaw was on the floor. With gritted teeth I answered "Yes". I swear it was so silent I could hear the wind coming through the window. Savannah stood shocked with her finger still pointing at me. With a loud, excited noise Maya quickly jumped up and down "Why didn't you tell us!". She sprung at me "It's a little embarrassing to admit". I gave her a forced smile. "Uhh" she sat beside me "Do you think he likes you too?". Savannah gained her posture again "He must". We both looked at her "I mean the amount of time you guys spent together must count for something". Maya's eyes had literal sparkles in them "This is so exciting! You have to tell him". My eyes widened "Oh maybe not. I'm still a little new to this 'feeling'". Maya calmed down a bit. "Uhm but please" I looked between them both "Can we keep this between us. I don't want it to become a 'big thing'". I forced another smile. Savannah kneeled and took my hands. I was a little taken aback by her gesture "Of course Luna. But only if you promise to not keep any secrets. We were kind of worried" I took back my hands. "Of course" with my left hand out of view I crossed my fingers "I promise".

The THREE: The Beast (Yeonjun x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin